(also posted in Teen section)
As you all know I was having a sweep friday morning, which told me I was 2 cm dilated already.
Afterwards I was having random contractions for a few hours but nothing happened.
I went for a bumpy car ride, walked around a market and walked up a big hill.
By 8pm I began to time my contractions as I was sure this was the start of something. They were going from between 7-10 mins, to 5-7 mins for hours.
At about 10 they had gone to being between 10-16 mins, so I stopped timing about 11 and got into bed.
11:15 I woke to a huge gush of fluid. I woke up my OH, who replied with "Are you serious? Your joking aren't you?" Yeahh I'd lie about my water going ^o) haha.
So I told him he could feel if he really wanted
Then panic kicked in.
I got up and started shaking not knowing what I was meant next.
Rang L&D who told me to go in.
Got there at 12. Was monitored for 20 mins in which contractions were getting awful and were 4 mins apart.
They examined me and I was 5cm dilated.
Went to the toilet then and lost the rest of my plug (which was disgusting btw).
I was put in a room with g&a whilst i waited for a delivery room to be free. Contractions were so painful I was in tears, and the g&a just wouldn't help.
I called a mw to ask for diff pain relief but she refused saying I was taking it right. (I could have punched her in the face tbh).
When I finally got into the delivery room, I was already starting to get the urge to push.
I had my OH in with me and my sister(who hadn't planned on being there, but was in the end haha).
I sucked on the g&a as if my life depended on it even though it wasn't helping me at all. So I got all dizzy and made the comment "I think I might have sucked to much gas...the room is kinda spinning"
In between sucks I screamed like hell (which didn't help and just gave me a sore throat after
With every contraction I really needed to push so I'd say to the mw "I really need to push, am I allowed now? am I allowed?"
They told me they could see her head coming so i screamed at them "She's not coming out until I've had some f***** pethadine!"
By the time I had the pethadine I was already 10cm, so it didn't even give me any relief during her birth.
I'm not sure how many pushes it was, but I know as soon as her head came out, the rest of her shoot straight out aswel, and she gave the loudest cry I've ever heard
They put her straight on my chest and she just gazed up at me with her eyes wide as if she knew exactly who I was. it was amazing.
According to my notes my whole labour was 4hours and 31mins
Unfourtunatly breastfeeding isn't for us, but I don't mind, as it means I get a bit more help when it comes to feeding because I'm still so tired at the moment.
I also got a graze to my labia, and a second degree tear without stiches.
It hurts
But she's so worth it.
No more babies for me for a few years though
As you all know I was having a sweep friday morning, which told me I was 2 cm dilated already.
Afterwards I was having random contractions for a few hours but nothing happened.
I went for a bumpy car ride, walked around a market and walked up a big hill.
By 8pm I began to time my contractions as I was sure this was the start of something. They were going from between 7-10 mins, to 5-7 mins for hours.
At about 10 they had gone to being between 10-16 mins, so I stopped timing about 11 and got into bed.
11:15 I woke to a huge gush of fluid. I woke up my OH, who replied with "Are you serious? Your joking aren't you?" Yeahh I'd lie about my water going ^o) haha.
So I told him he could feel if he really wanted

Then panic kicked in.
I got up and started shaking not knowing what I was meant next.
Rang L&D who told me to go in.
Got there at 12. Was monitored for 20 mins in which contractions were getting awful and were 4 mins apart.
They examined me and I was 5cm dilated.
Went to the toilet then and lost the rest of my plug (which was disgusting btw).
I was put in a room with g&a whilst i waited for a delivery room to be free. Contractions were so painful I was in tears, and the g&a just wouldn't help.
I called a mw to ask for diff pain relief but she refused saying I was taking it right. (I could have punched her in the face tbh).
When I finally got into the delivery room, I was already starting to get the urge to push.
I had my OH in with me and my sister(who hadn't planned on being there, but was in the end haha).
I sucked on the g&a as if my life depended on it even though it wasn't helping me at all. So I got all dizzy and made the comment "I think I might have sucked to much gas...the room is kinda spinning"
In between sucks I screamed like hell (which didn't help and just gave me a sore throat after

With every contraction I really needed to push so I'd say to the mw "I really need to push, am I allowed now? am I allowed?"
They told me they could see her head coming so i screamed at them "She's not coming out until I've had some f***** pethadine!"
By the time I had the pethadine I was already 10cm, so it didn't even give me any relief during her birth.
I'm not sure how many pushes it was, but I know as soon as her head came out, the rest of her shoot straight out aswel, and she gave the loudest cry I've ever heard

They put her straight on my chest and she just gazed up at me with her eyes wide as if she knew exactly who I was. it was amazing.
According to my notes my whole labour was 4hours and 31mins

Unfourtunatly breastfeeding isn't for us, but I don't mind, as it means I get a bit more help when it comes to feeding because I'm still so tired at the moment.
I also got a graze to my labia, and a second degree tear without stiches.
It hurts

But she's so worth it.
No more babies for me for a few years though
