Well ladies
!.. I'll start from the beginning
I started getting niggly pains on saturday (1.5.10) night, through to sunday...
I had no bloody show or mucus plug, and the pains were very irregular.
Sunday, the pains were getting closer together and stronger, so i phoned the hospital, who told me to stay put as long as i could cope, or until i started getting two contractions in ten minutes. So... When the contractions were 4 mins apart, i went to hospital at around 11pm only to find...
My contractions stopped
typical ! The midwife was a total bitch, she made me so upset i started to cry. Brogans heart rate kept dipping, then going really high every now and again, and the midwife who was keeping an eye on me was so cold hearted - making statements like " well your in the best place if the worst happened " WTF?. They put a stint in my hand incase i needed a drip, and it was so sore, i asked her why it was there, and she said.. to prepare for the worst ! .. What a div !!!! Contractions started picking up again, and i was given an internal only to find out.....
I was a big fat 1cm dilated
so frustrating !!.. I was moved ward, and the contractions started coming thick and fast! Got 2 new midwives in to look after me - one was a student called Carrie who was so nice, and it was her first delivery! The 2nd midwife, my mum & gary nicknamed "The Troll" .. Sooo.. The pains started getting really strong, and i asked for gas and air, and she told me NO !... She said, I'll give you some pain killers first and see if that helps! ( AS IF )..
After taking the pain killers, i felt totally spaced out, could not stop laughing in between contractions - but it done NOTHING for the pain at all. Gary declared he was tired around 3am, and decided to roll his jumper up and use it as a pillow and go for a sleep on the floor for 2.5hours !!! ..Meanwhile, I finally get the Trolls permission to have gas & air...
The rest happened really fast. I was asking when it would be time to move me to the birthing pool, and she said she would examine me first! I was 5cms by this point, but the pressure down below was so powerfull, i was sitting on the birthing ball, sooking gas & air whilst Carrie ran the pool. Then i got back on the bed and got my BP taken, and the next thing i knew, i was being asked to go onto all fours, and i felt the sudden urge to push, and she shot out under my legs and the student midwife caught her! She was passed up to me and i just felt such a rush of love, it was amazing!! One push and she was born!
Brogan Hamilton, 3rd May, 6.11am, weighing 7lb 10oz! She is Baileys double! Im so pleased everything went well, and even though i didn't get the water birth i planned, my beautiful daughter entered the world safe & sound!
I got out the same day i had her, and we are doing great, she breastfed for over an hour straight after birth, and has being feeding well since
im on a high !
Thanks if you've read it so far !! xxx

I started getting niggly pains on saturday (1.5.10) night, through to sunday...
I had no bloody show or mucus plug, and the pains were very irregular.
Sunday, the pains were getting closer together and stronger, so i phoned the hospital, who told me to stay put as long as i could cope, or until i started getting two contractions in ten minutes. So... When the contractions were 4 mins apart, i went to hospital at around 11pm only to find...
My contractions stopped

I was a big fat 1cm dilated

After taking the pain killers, i felt totally spaced out, could not stop laughing in between contractions - but it done NOTHING for the pain at all. Gary declared he was tired around 3am, and decided to roll his jumper up and use it as a pillow and go for a sleep on the floor for 2.5hours !!! ..Meanwhile, I finally get the Trolls permission to have gas & air...
The rest happened really fast. I was asking when it would be time to move me to the birthing pool, and she said she would examine me first! I was 5cms by this point, but the pressure down below was so powerfull, i was sitting on the birthing ball, sooking gas & air whilst Carrie ran the pool. Then i got back on the bed and got my BP taken, and the next thing i knew, i was being asked to go onto all fours, and i felt the sudden urge to push, and she shot out under my legs and the student midwife caught her! She was passed up to me and i just felt such a rush of love, it was amazing!! One push and she was born!
Brogan Hamilton, 3rd May, 6.11am, weighing 7lb 10oz! She is Baileys double! Im so pleased everything went well, and even though i didn't get the water birth i planned, my beautiful daughter entered the world safe & sound!
I got out the same day i had her, and we are doing great, she breastfed for over an hour straight after birth, and has being feeding well since

Thanks if you've read it so far !! xxx