The birth story of Madison Grace Scott (long) *updated with pics*


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2010
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Hey ladies, Madison is 4 days old now so I thought I better get on here & share my birth story :)

It started on Wednesday 28th September. My little yellow bump was 1 week overdue & I was woken up at 6.30am to very mild period pains (Could have been as a result of me & OH doing the deed the night before but that also could have been a coinsidence..) Some of you may remember my thread that morning saying i'd woken up to pains but I didn't want to think to much into it. But the pains didn't go - they lasted all day. Me & my OH went to his nans for dinner at about 4pm & while I was there the pains were getting slightly stronger - still nothing to rave about though. I was still in doubt that it would lead to anything. We left theirs at about 8pm & by the time I got home i realised that they weren't just mild pains, they were actual contractions. They'd been coming at certain intervals all day & now they were becoming progressively stronger. They still weren't awfully painful but they were much more noticeable. I decided to get a bath at about 11pm which was nice. Just helped to feel more relaxed. After I got out the bath I decides I'd try to sleep as I'd need all the sleep I could get but it was impossible! The pains weren't possible to sleep through. My OH went to bed at about 1, to which I got into bed with him but it wasn't long before I had to get up again. I ended up pacing the house until 4 o'clock when I decided I couldn't stay at home anymore. I called L&D & asked if it was ok to go in to which it was. I woke OH up & said we had to go. When I arrived they examined me & told me I was 3cm. They gave me a mild sedative to help relax me & hopefully let me get some sleep. I stayed I'm hospital as they won't let you home when given that kind of pill. To be honest I didn't want to go home, I felt more comfortable being in hospital knowing what was going on. I knew I wouldn't have been comfortable at home. So my OH left to go home & get some sleep. The sedative did help me to relax but I still couldn't get to sleep. It got to 8am when they examined me again but I was still only 3cm. They decided to break my waters to speed things up. The pains at this point were still about the same. Barable just quite uncomfy. The next examination was 3hours later at 11am to which i'd progressed only to 4cm :( (I was later on told that my waters hadn't been broken properly before so that's probably why nothing was progressing then!). So the next option was to have a drip. The midwife told me that the contractions would become VERY painful with the drip but it had to be done. Having the drip fitted hurt enough in itself!! Lol. I had to be monitered the whole time so wasn't mobile at all but I didn't mind as I found it quite difficult having contractions while on my feet. The contractions definately started picking up. I was having 2 every 10 mins which went up to 5 in 10 minutes after the drip went in. I managed to find a way of breathing through the contractions & found I was coming along quite well. They were painful but my deep breathing helped. If I let my breathing go at any point I found that the contractions were worse. After a couple of hours I had to take the gas & air, I couldn't hold off any longer lol. I found it did help, it took the edge of. My OH decided while the midwife was out the room that he'd try puffing on it lol. He said it was the best high he'd ever had! Lol. It was difficult getting it off him!! Lol. I didn't find it made me feel high, but now when I think about it some parts during the labour I can't remember very well so I presume that was an effect of the gas & air. Anyway the contractions continued to strengthen & I started to find them quite difficult to cope with & told them I wanted the epidural. They said to wait until I was examined again to see how far I was & then make the decision then. In my mind I didn't want to wait, I just wanted to give up with coping & just wanted it to be easy! I was shattered. Lol. I can't remember the time but it was about half & hour until I was examined again. I was 8cm & that's when they told me that my membranes were partly still intact! They broke them properly to which was obvious this time - I felt a massive gush. They asked me again if I still wanted the epidural & I said yes. The doctor came in and started to get everything ready. I even signed the consent form. But where my waters had been properly broken I had some really intense contractions & within about 15 minutes I was saying I felt I needed to push. They checked me again & I was right, I'd reached 10cm so the epidural wasn't an option anymore. They said I still had a tiny bit of cervix around babies head so I had to open that up before I could push! That was hard, all I wanted to do was push but they kept telling me not to & just breath on the gas & air. It was about 5 mins until I could push & that's when the real hard work started! They had me on all 4s on the bed but I didn't find that very productive. I just felt I had nothing proper to hold on to. I then turned over & was put in a chair position which I found was working a lot better but it was still so hard pushing. I was exhausted & just really couldn't be bothered! Lol. With each contraction I had to take a deep breath & push with all I had, they wanted me to do that 3-4 times with every contraction but by the time the 3rd or 4th try came I just couldn't find the strength to muster those deep breaths & pushes. I just remember saying "I can't, I can't". After about half an hour of pushing the head was visable. It was such a strange feeling. It ft like I needed to do the massivest poo! Lol it was horrible! The midwifes kept saying I can see the head & with the next few pushes he/she would be here. But because I felt I couldn't push with all my might it didn't quite happen that easily! With each push baby was coming further & further down but I would just give up half way through each contraction. The good thing though was that baby was fine. Still very happy & heart rate was good. The midwife started to say that I would need an episiotomy if baby wasn't delivered soon. She started to get all the equipment ready. The thought of having that must have taken over my body as at the point I pushed with everything I had! Lol. The pushing & panting began as the head came out & omg the stinging then was so much! I really thought I'd torn but I hadn't :-D. My OH was amazing, telling me to pant pant pant & then SHE was out. We seen that she was a girl straight away. I couldn't believe it, I was convinced we'd have a boy. My OH was so emotional, he was crying tellin me we have a little girl & tellin me how proud he was of me. Getting her out was very hard work but i literally forget it all the moment she was born. 15 hours of natural labour but it was definately worth it. She is absolutely perfect. She weighed 7.7lb.

She's breastfeeding well & she's so content. Very rarely crys. Even when she was born she never cried! And she didn't even flinch when she had her vitamin K injection. Our whole family is smitten by her!
Unfortunately I can't upload pics from my iPhone so if you want to view any pics you could go to my facebook page -

I hope that works. If it doesn't let me know & I'll find another method of uploading pictures.

Thanks for all the help & support! this site was a godsend through my pregnancy!

Thank you
Laura & Madison :) x
Just realised I didn't even put a date or time lol. She was born on Wednesday 29th September at 7.30pm x

Thanks for sharing your birth story with all of us!!! And congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Madison. I am glad that you got through it without too much drug intervention-as this is the route I'm looking to go too. And I've been slightly nervous about the whole thing-I'm 22 weeks along with a baby girl that my husband and I will be naming Jane. Just reading your story eased my nerves considerably! Congrats again, she is a very lucky little girl!
Congratulations honey! Your FB link didnt work so I have added you as a friend but dont worry if you dont want to...! Great story and you are lucky to have such a good baby, bless her!!!! Take care x
Massive congratulations hun. I love reading birth stories :) by the sounds of things u coped really well x well done
Congratulations - I was wondering how you had got on!!! Sounds like hard work (eeek) but reading your story has helped gear me up a bit more and I look forward to updating with mine before tooooo long (pleeeeease!! :))
Enjoy every minute of your mummyhood xxxx
Well she took her time getting here but well worth it by the sounds of it xxxx congratulations to you all :hugs:
Thanks everyone! If you can't see facebook link, pics will be updated on here later by a friend as I can't do it! x
well done hunny, many many congratulations to you both.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well done Laura! Been looking out for this birth story. You did amazing, I hope I cope as well as you!

I really thought you were going to have a boy too, but now you have a princess!

Congratulations, can't wait to see a pic x
Ahhh Laura what an amazing story, you put me to shame lol. Im so happy for you, well done!!! xxx
Congratulations! Well done!
On behalf of Laura, introducing Madison Grace Scott :cloud9:
Aw Laura, she is gorgeous, well done hun, congrats
Congratulations and well done!! xxxx
gorgeous! congratulations and glad you went into labour before being induced :) x
Aww...............She's ADORABLE!! Congratulations to you and your other half :flower:

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