Hi All - I am wondering whether any/many of you have gone through the decision to change RE's/FS's? I really love my current dr, BUT I never see her - my case is managed by a nurse (including meds, timing decisions etc). I have not seen my dr in 12 weeks or talked to her in 8. Today I went to see a dr recommended by a friend and he was very good. Initially he said that he would take me on after this cycle ends (I am on CD9), but then he scanned me and saw I had a very thin lining - when he asked whether I had been on estrogen tabs for this, I said no, no one had ever mentioned lining before - he said he would take me on now because he was concerned about my care. I have my CD10 scan tomorrow with my current clinic so I am deciding whether to go in and see what they say about the lining and make the decision based on that, or just to change. I have been trying to talk to my dr about this for a week, but have not got hold of her (in fairness she left a message when we missed her call on Friday morning). I have been having very light periods since my m/c and am wondering whether these past months were a waste b/c of lining issue that were not picked up b/c only a nurse reviews my scans.
Any advice? What do you think?
Any advice? What do you think?