The not so natural birth of Josephine Lynne: Very Long and detailed



So my entire pregnancy I was really looking forward to experiencing childbirth as naturally as possible. I even tried every agent under the sun to get my body ready for labor…RLT, EPO, clary sage, pineapple, sex, bouncing. Etc..And by 35 weeks my cervix was ripe, 1 cm dilated and baby was engaged. I was then convinced I would have my girl early as my original due date was October 25th (it was moved to Nov 2nd after an early dating scan). Also, she was measuring big and ahead. Well October 25th came and went and at 39 weeks I progressed to 2 cm, 50 % effaced, but baby was not engaged.

So I proceeded to do all in my power to get her lower, including walking down the 25 flights of stairs from my apt whenever I went out.

Something must of worked because on the 30th I woke up in the middle of the night with my pants soaked and undies…and instantly got excited that my waters had gone. So I changed my pants and put on a pad, but then nothing. :shrug: So I thought maybe it was a fluke. But then, on Halloween night I was standing up from the sitting on the couch and felt a gush. I had just used the bathroom so I was sure it was my waters…plus it didn't have a smell. So I was hoping labor was imminent. But no contractions…:shrug: So I went to sleep, though I didn't sleep well due to the anticipation. I know there can be slow leaks and infection is a concern, so By the next morning I decided I needed to call L& D and see what they thought. they told me to come in. I thought I would be discharged so didn't bring my bags or anything (we live across the street from the hospital-its the one attached to the med school I attend). They put me on the monitor, baby was very active since I knew to eat before the triage monitoring. then they did the speculum test and fluid was pooling. They then tested the fluid for ferning ( a positive sign of amniotic fluid) and it was positive so they admitted me for an induction!!

Not what I wanted, but it was whats best for my baby. They Checked me around 10am and I was 3 cms dilated, 75% effaced, -2 station. Since my cervix was favorable, (due to all my natural induction efforts I think) we went straight to the pitocin. They started the pitocin at 11 am…it was very slow going…my body just didn't want to go into labor!! By 5 pm they checked and I was 4 cms…so then they manually drained my waters, they didn't pop, but there was still a lot of fluid in there. After that the pain got real, FAST!! It was the worst pain of my life and I asked for the epidural half an hour later…I got it around 6:15. It honestly was a godsend…I got to sleep between contractions and the pain was gone, just pressure. It worked better on one side then the other, but I am thankful that it worked as well as it did on both sides. At 7:30 PM they checked me again and I was 6 cms and 80% effaced…but babies heart rate was decelerating with contractions so they inserted an internal device to monitor contractions and an amnio transfusion. They wanted to limit their checks on me to reduce infection…but at 10 pm I was fully dilated and ready to push! They wanted to wait a bit more until I had more pressure…I couldn't believe it as I was just sort of chilling in bed and in 4 hours I went from 6 to 10 without pain.

So at 10:55 we started pushing…I had this horrid eastern european attending OB who had no bedside manner and was really rough and kind of scared me. They couldn't tell whether she was face up or not as they couldn't feel the fontanelles or the facial features…and they couldn't get an angle to get her past my pelvis…she was come close but be pushed back after each of my efforts. It was the most frustrating thing!! though I wasn't surprised…my husband has a really large head. Anywho, after an hour and a half of pushing I was pretty exhausted and so was the team. So the evil OB said she was going to section me. Which was devastating because I was so CLOSE!! But then this younger OB came in to check on me, I had met her earlier…she was an Einstein alum and and I told her I went to einstein, we bonded. Anywho, she came in and checked and said "we can do this! She is one of our own…" And within half an hour Josephine was born at 1:36 am on her due date, November Second…the biggest feeling of relief ever!!I managed her HUGE cranium vaginally. And it is huge!! She was facedown there was just too much head for them to palpate. At birth she weighed 8lbs, 8oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

Because the pushing was so stressful, there was meconium, so I didn't get to hold her right away and they had to clamp right away as well. They did try to get the cord blood but there wasn't enough to store, so they are going to use it for research. Despite the meconium Josephines 1 minute and 5 minute Apgar score was 9. She was a healthy girl. I had a 2nd degree tear and graze that the amazing super doctor meticulously repaired. We tried to initiate feeding before they took her to the nursery but I was so exhausted and by that time so was Jospehine. Luckily, she is an expert latcher and is feeding really well. It wasn't the birth I wanted, but the important thing is we are both safe and sound. And for an induction, 13 and half hour labor is not bad, the pushing was rough, but the end result was well worth all the work and pain!!

Here are some pics!!

Mommy and baby

Funny Face..
Finally Home in her crib…
Ha ha, I love the 'we can do this, she's one of our own' - feel like I was there though as we were all hanging off every word on your journal during it! Just looking at your new ticker - 5 days old already? that can't be right, feels like yesterday you were talking about getting up off the couch and not knowing if it was your waters! xxx
aw lovely story. Welcome to the world Josephine and well done Mummy !
She's beautiful Andrea. You've done a great job. Thank you for sharing your birth story.
Awww you did a great job. She's gorgeous. :cloud9: xxx
Awwwwww, wonderful story. Congratulations!!! She's beautiful :)
Argh, just posted the longest post ever and lost it! Having trouble w/ my stupid internet.

Will try to summarize...I am SO excited to read your birth story after all those weeks waiting and twice daily checks of your journal to read your progress! And I'm also so glad you were able to push her out and not have to have a c-section after all that work!

And...Josephine's pics are gorgeous...I love seeing the one of her crying and then snuggled up to you and the way she looks at you. :cloud9: And that outfit with the hat is so adorable!

she is beautiful honey! you did so well! glad they didn't section you unnecessarily. hope you're both doing well & managing a bit of rest xxx much love xxx
thanks for typing that up for us, and congrats!!
Lovely story andrea.. sorry the labor was so long and pushing was tough.. but at least you forget about it all and want to do it again.. lots of love to you and steve.. and little baby josie.. so happy for the 3 of you.. been great going through your whole journey with you.. from ttc, to pregnancy, and now birth.. :)
Thank you for sharing!! She is gorgeous, I love all her hair. Just goes to show nothing ever goes as planned, but the end result is still just as wonderful!.:cloud9:
Congratulations Andrea!!!! She is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
She looks nice and healthy!!!!

our moses basket arrived today - its lovely, its so nice just having it sitting there in the living room!!! It makes having 1500 words to write by next week and a bathroom thats still not finished all fade away..haha...for a minute or two anyway!!
Love it Andrea, she is sooooo gorgeous!! congrats to you all xxx
Congrats Andrea and well done! Welcome to the world beautiful Josephine! So glad to hear from you. I was getting worried!
She is s cute....I love all her hair, you sound like you just needed the final push, well done
Lovely story! :hugs:
She is so beautiful! Well done! Xxxxx

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