@CocoMia Of course you can call me Lime

Very nice to meet you! It can be really hard when everyone around you is having babies... You want to be happy for them, and maybe you really are, but it is heartbreaking and quite lonely living in confusion and doubt when it comes to your own fertility and future.
I know what you mean about the pressure. I finally just decided to tell people that it isnt any of their concern whether I am "Ready" or any other reason they can think of to wait. Some people do not understand that for us, there is no wait, its now or never so much of the time. I had to put my foot down and just tell people its fine, they do not understand it, but this is how it is! I hope that makes sense.
@BostonStrong I am terribly sorry to hear about what you have been going through. I cannot imagine how hard that must be for you. I hope that you are finding things getting easier, and know that this community is always here to provide encouragement! That is awesome about the weight loss! Congrats! How are you achieving this? I am on Weight Watchers again. I lost 90 pounds the first time I was on it, but after a very hard and messy divorce I gained about 75 back. So I am on a journey to lose it again.
I have made it my mission to help women with PCOS lose weight to conceive naturally, so if you guys, or anyone else would like info on how to do so let me know. (It is free lol, I have it all in my noggin from years of following the plan) I am a firm believer that when women stick together we are able to reach nearly any goal. Sorry if I sound sappy!
Anyhow pleased to meet you guys! I will post a bit more about myself and my journey later on. Have a great day