Hi. I've just read the reason I jump, written by a boy with autism. It was a very good read and a big help in understanding autism from the child's point of view, but I'm devastated to read how the book says how from this boys point of view that Autistic children are unhappy and feel as though they are locked in a cell and the reason they sit alone is because they are so worried they will upset and cause stress to the people around them, it also says that he sometimes thinks he should never have been born . Call me ignorant but I thought my daughter is happy in her own world, she never seems sad to us but now I'm unsure as this book says they are good at hiding thier true feelings as they don't want to worry and upset people around them. I never ever want my daughter to be so sad and upset and think why she was ever born. I'm trying to be rational hear thinking this is just one boys world and Autistic spectrum is so big it doesn't mean it's another child's world. This has kind of upset and worried me a bit now which is a shame as it's a really good book by a very talented young boy