The (slow yet very fast) Birth of Allison Marie


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May 24, 2010
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Birth Story of Allison Marie

Thursday September 29th i had my 37+5 week appointment. My appointment was at 9:20am. My pregnancy had been pretty good other then pre term labor at 32 weeks and bed rest until 36 weeks. Towards the end my pubic bone began to separate as well. So I went into to get weighted and my blood pressure taken. My blood pressure wasnt super high but higher then my norm. My first appointment it was 112/60 and that day it was 140/82. I then went to sit in my doctors office and waited to see her.

She had planned to induce me at 39 weeks because baby was measuring very big and because of my pubic bone. I didnt want to be induced so I wanted to ask her about getting my membranes stripped the week before. Anyways she came into the appointment checked baby's heart rate, my fundal height ect. All of that was good. She then did my internal exam. 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and baby was at 0 station. She then looked over my chart and before I could even ask if she would strip my membranes she asked me if I wanted her too. Of course I said yes. So she did it and it wasnt painful for me at all. Just a little uncomfortable. My appointment was then over and off I went. It was now about 10am.

Never had any cramping, bleeding, or contracting after my sweep. I spent the day taking care of my 1 year old and relaxing. Hubby was at work until 7pm. At 6 I decided it was time to make some supper. i was standing in the kitchen getting some hot dogs ready to boil when I felt my plug come loose. Sure enough i went and checked and there was bloody show in it as well. It gave me hope. So I was then putting my hotdogs in the buns When I felt a small gush. Waited a second and felt it again. Now I was really excited. I knew it had to be my water because it just kept doing it. went and changed my pad and sure enough it was soaked and clear. Called hubby to come home from work. it was 6:50 pm now.

We got to the hospital around 7;30 after dropping our 1 year old off at a friends. i had to go in as soon as my water broke because I was GBS+. I got there and they checked my pad and sure enough it was. I was then hooked up to the monitor and baby looked good but I was only having mild contractions. Enough that I had to stay anyways. I was then brought upstairs, I walked up the stairs to try and get things moving. It worked. Once upstairs my contractions were picking up. I was brought to my room, changed, given my IV, checked( still a 3cm) and then left to walk and do as I pleased. I walked for a long time. Contractions were strong and very painful. i was sure they had to be doing something. at 11:30pm I was checked again. I was 4cm. I was now far enough along to get my Epi and I wanted it. So the Epi guy came in and did it. He was wonderful. I never felt a thing. Once it was done I was starting to get some relief. He did a very good epi because I could still move my legs enough to roll and be comfortable and could feel some pressure but no pain. I was then given syntocin just to make sure my labor did not slow or stop. I labored all night and never got passed 4m even though I was having incredibly strong contractions.

Heres where it get interesting. At 7:50 am my doctor arrived to do a c section and just wanted to check in on my progress. She was told I wasnt progressing and came to check things out. When she checked me she found a very small piece of my water that had not broken but it was small and hidden enough that the nurses did not find it. It was holding baby's head off my cervix just enough that it wouldn't change. She broke it at 7:55 and then went to do her c section. Almost immediately I was feeling a whole lot of pressure. The nurse checked me at 8:15. I was then 5cm. The pressure just kept building and building. She checked me again at 8:30. i was now 7cm. Then the pressure changed and my body started to push. The doctor was called and she was just finishing her c section and was on her way. I was checked at 8:45. 10cm!!! The nurse kept telling my to focus and breath through the contractions and not to push. She was very very nice and running around trying to get everything ready. She said she didnt think the doctor would make it and ask if I was ok with her delivering the baby. Of course I said yes. Did i have any other choice lol. 8:50 the doctor showed up and told me I could push. I pushed 2 times with the first contraction and out came her head. I then pushed once with the second and out she came. She was born at 8:56am Sept 30th, 6 minutes after the doctor showed up and 1 hour after she broke the rest of my water. I went from 4-having a baby in an hour. I was in slight shock but so so happy.

She was put straight on my chest and i was instantly in love. When she was taken she weight in at 7lb 3oz( a whole pound smaller then my growth scan) and was 18.5 inches long. Her apgar was 9 and 9 and only because she was very mellow and didnt cry a whole lot. She is perfect in every single way and I am so happy to have her here. The shock of how fast it went is still there but im coming around. I ended up with only 3 stitches and I am feeling great.

Thank you all for reading if you got to the end lol. Sorry its so long. Here are a few pictures.
Awww she is beautiful. Congratulations!
aww thats lovely your pics are beautiful congratulations xx
She's so beautiful! Congratz :) xx
Omg congratulations !
Made me cry! Yet again lol I always cry reading birth stories.

Is you look amazing considering you just gave birth. I wish I looked like that having my daughter I still cringe looking at the photos lol x
She's beautiful! Congratulations and well done:)
Absolutely lovely story, lovely birth and my oh my what a couple of stunning daughters you have - must take after you pretty mummy xxx
Oh she is totally beautiful congratulations xxx
She's darling! Congratulations!
Congratulations hun!!! She's is jus gorgeous! Blessings to her!!!
Congratulations and beautiful pictures of you with your little ones!
Congratulations on the birth of you gorgeous baby girl. Such a wonderful birth story and you look amazing after just giving birth.
She is so cute and you are beautiful! You look so peaceful in the one photo after your delivery! Congrats! So happy for you!
Congratulations - she's beautiful! Xx

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