Wondered if you ladies could help me compile a list of things to try to overcome latching problems.
DS is seven weeks old, and I'm going to have to give up expressing soon, and go on to formula. Before I do this, I want to make sure that I really have tried everything possible. I'd love to breastfeed, so hopefully I've missed something magical that might help us!
Large silicone nipple shields
Self Attachment
Help from different breastfeeding counsellors
Feeding when sleepy
Feeding when not very hungry
Feeding when very hungry
Feeding when engorged
Expressing before feeding
Manual expression into mouth to get him interested
Positions Tried:
Rugby Ball
Lying down
Flat on lap without being held (breastfeeding cushion)
Lying down, from above
To Try:
Small silicone nipple shields
Feeding in the bath
Using a teat as a nipple shield (very old fashioned!)
In the bath
Get checked for tongue-tie
DS is seven weeks old, and I'm going to have to give up expressing soon, and go on to formula. Before I do this, I want to make sure that I really have tried everything possible. I'd love to breastfeed, so hopefully I've missed something magical that might help us!
Large silicone nipple shields
Self Attachment
Help from different breastfeeding counsellors
Feeding when sleepy
Feeding when not very hungry
Feeding when very hungry
Feeding when engorged
Expressing before feeding
Manual expression into mouth to get him interested
Positions Tried:
Rugby Ball
Lying down
Flat on lap without being held (breastfeeding cushion)
Lying down, from above
To Try:
Small silicone nipple shields
Feeding in the bath
Using a teat as a nipple shield (very old fashioned!)
In the bath
Get checked for tongue-tie