Ladies, I love this section but I must admit...I don't belong here!!!!!
With my first I had an emergency induction at 36+2 for severe preeclampsia. It was far from a drug free birth. I had fentanyl, epidural, mag sulphate....It was a pretty traumatic experience. I got chorioamnionitis during labor. Ds1 spent 7 days in the NICU for breathing issues....Not great. I had a blood transfusion while pregnant (around 22 weeks) and one after birth. I also had a late hemorrhage 3 weeks postpartum. I ended up needing a d&c to manually remove retained placenta.
Ds2 was a scheduled c section. After a high risk pregnancy with issues due to a blood antibody from one of my previous blood transfusions. Ds2 was breech and with everything else I was happy to consent to the c section at 37+2. It was actually a lovely experience and a walk in the park compared to my vaginal birth. I loved being aware enough to see ds2 right away. I love that I remember his birth while I don't remember ds1 at all.
Now we're thinking ahead to #3. I want to be motivated to try for a drug free vbac. Has anyone had one? Does anyone have stories, facts or advice on natural birth?
Thanks in advance
With my first I had an emergency induction at 36+2 for severe preeclampsia. It was far from a drug free birth. I had fentanyl, epidural, mag sulphate....It was a pretty traumatic experience. I got chorioamnionitis during labor. Ds1 spent 7 days in the NICU for breathing issues....Not great. I had a blood transfusion while pregnant (around 22 weeks) and one after birth. I also had a late hemorrhage 3 weeks postpartum. I ended up needing a d&c to manually remove retained placenta.
Ds2 was a scheduled c section. After a high risk pregnancy with issues due to a blood antibody from one of my previous blood transfusions. Ds2 was breech and with everything else I was happy to consent to the c section at 37+2. It was actually a lovely experience and a walk in the park compared to my vaginal birth. I loved being aware enough to see ds2 right away. I love that I remember his birth while I don't remember ds1 at all.
Now we're thinking ahead to #3. I want to be motivated to try for a drug free vbac. Has anyone had one? Does anyone have stories, facts or advice on natural birth?
Thanks in advance