I think.. I've either ovulated and missed it... or I'm not ovulating at all (pfft

) I haven't seen a + opk yet, am cd 20!!

, but they were getting darker I think, had quite a good one yesterday morning, then for some reason it went lighter that evenig and then even lighter at night time, duno if that's cause I took it too late, guess I'll find out in the next couple days. I think I might not even bother with opks next month, they just get my hopes up and f*** with my emotions

I've got my blood test tomorrow, duno whether to cancel it and put it back to monday (which would be cd 24) just to give me a little more time to ovulate or just have it anyway cause I guess it doesn't matter.

Can't believe I've messed up my chance, we've barely dtd cause we've both been so tired, OH has been working earlies etc. I've been working lates, I woke up at 5.30 this morning espec to fit in some quick bding only to find out OH had to get called into work at 6 am

(and no that wasnt enough time! lol)
I've been blaming OH for being too tired but I guess some of it is my fault too.
grrrrr! I'm really not in the mood to go to work and look after babies today

I'm really tempted to call in sick but I can't really because I've had too much time off lately anyway

what would you guys do? I just wanna go back to bed and cry

so maybe it's best I do go to work.. as staying at home and moping I don't suppose would help would it.
That's another thing, I thought maybe the clomid would be working because I had really bad mood swings yesterday (actually wanted to punch someone/scream) and I'm not normally that bad. sorry for this super long post