It didn't work for us and in the end, I had no choice but to take my ex back to court and just got full custody two weeks ago.
We had joint and all decisions had to be agreed upon. If we couldn't agree, we had to seek the opinion of a third party professional and go from there. It happened several times that our kids needed medical attention or services and we couldn't agree and after the third party, he still wouldn't agree, so I had no choice but to take him back.
I've seen clauses where there is "joint with final say" where both parents can have input, but one parent will always override the other in the case of a disagreement.
Despite now having full custody, I still include my ex in those aspects. I inform him of all appointments and meetings about our kids, and he has started to come to them to keep up with their medical and developmental needs. One of our children has special needs and medical needs, so it's great that we're both involved in that sense, but now there are no more hoops to jump through and I don't have to take him to court just to get our children services.