thought I'd add my birth story here too!


Proud single Mummy of 5!
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi ladies! Found myself a few minutes, with all 5 kids asleep :haha: so thought I'd write a quick birth story!

So after 2 weeks of on/off contractions, I was hugely excited to find I had bloody discharge at 1pm on weds 15th, that is how my last labour started, so I was pacing around hoping contractions would soon start up again! Which they did VERY slowly, at 3pm.. they continued for the rest of the day, but were still very mild and only about 10 minutes part, so I got my birth pool all filled up ready and off I went to bed at midnight, hoping things would get moving through the night! Was far too excited to be able to sleep, and ended up laying there til 2.30am timing contractions that were going nowhere lol.. I must have fallen asleep at this point, coz I was rudely awoken at 4am by a contraction... AND it was painful!!!!! :happydance: I tried not to get too ecxited incase it was a one off lol.. I lay in bed for half an hour trying to figure out if things were actualy starting or not, was a bit hard to tell since the bit of pain I had felt was constant, with just the tightening feeling coming and going every 5 minutes. I decided to get up and see what happened.. I manged to spend 10 minutes gatherering up my labour bikini, and find an oversized t-shirt to shove on over the top, along with my dressing gown without having anymore contractions, so started to worry I was wrong!!

Got half way down the stairs, and then had to STOP and lean on the banister so I could breath through it.. yay!! Had to wake up my older kid's dad, who was asleep in the living room... poor thing hasn't seen me labour since our daughter 10 years ago, so he was terrified! lol So they were back to 5 minutes, it was now about 4.45am...this was already a LONG labour for me, considering my last 2 were both less than 20 minutes lol.. I was trying to avoid phoning the midwife too early coz I didn't want her invading my peace for too long, but didn't want to leave it so long that she didn't arrive in time - although I really loved my last accidental unnassisted water birth! I got my ex to call her at about 5am.. contractions weren't massively painful still, but they had got to about 3mins, I clambered into the pool at this point. Kneeling, supporting myself on the side so that I was able to reach down and see how things were progressing! I'm no expert at dilation guessing... but at this point I'd say I was only about 2cms, I could just about feel the membrane bulging in the opening with 2 fingers! things were very calm, and as far as I was concerned, I was laying on a beach under the nice hot sun, pulling the waves in and out with my breaths!

The midwife arrived at 5.30am, she walked in and asked how I was going.. it wasn't my midwife on call, so it wasn't one that I had met before! I told her I could feel the membranes bulging and babies head just behind.. at which point she said 'ooh dont push yet, let me get things ready' - so I quickly pointed her to the direction of my birth plan that was stuck to the wall - which pretty much said 'Dear midwife, please back off, leave me alone, dont talk to me, jut observe and dont interfere unless I ask you to etc' :haha: so she quietly sat down on the arm chair tucked away in the corner! Once I'd got her clued up and out of the way, I had another quick check of how things were coming along, I'd expected to feel the urge to push by now, but hadn't... I could just about feel a lip of cervix over the membranes, so relaxed a bit more over the edge of the pool - listening to magic fm! lol. There was another 2-3 contractions before I could feel LO starting to make her way down, and another 4-5 before I could feel her starting to crown. I didn't push, just used lots of real deep, relaxing breaths to breath her down slowly, and allow her to crown in her own time. I felt the 'ring of fire' this time - for the first time out of 5 labours!! lol another couple of deep breaths, and her head slowly emerged - membranes still intact! I cupped her head in my hands while waiting for the next contraction, and used the time to warn my ex to get the camera ready.. a minute or so later at 5.48am on the 19th, Indigo Lilly entered her new watery world, to be greeted by my hands which caught and lifted her from the pool!

The wriggly lil miss had her cord tightly around her neck, twice and wasn't breathing.. took a while to get her all unraveled! She stayed attached to her placenta for 20 minutes with lots of stimulation from me, she was trying her best to breath, with little gasps but was struggling to properly catch her breath - I wasn't too worried, she was still getting oxygen from her placenta. The midwife was starting to stress, so I decided to allow them to cut the cord and help her along with a puff of oxygen, then we resumed skin t0 skin contact on the sofa while awaiting delivery of the placenta. She had her first breast feed during this time. I delivered the placenta an hour after birth, naturally.

Another hour later, I finally allowed the midwife to weigh LO :haha: was very shocked to find she was 6lb 10oz!! She is my biggest baby, 2 of my other 4 were under 6lb even!

I managed to get a 2nd degree tear, but no stitches, woo! I wouldn't even know about it if she hadn't said - I've not felt it at all!
Fantastic story and congratulations. U seem so calm and relaxed even the face of a real medical emergency. I hope I can be strong like u. Ur a real inspiration.Beautiful name btw and I love ur beach visualusation. Might pinch that lol x
Aw she's absolutely beautiful (and what a gorgeous name too!) Congratulations :D
Congratulations! :happydance: You did so well, I can't believe how calm you were. I sounded like I was dying (and felt it) when I had Louie :lol:

ETA: Indy is beautiful (her pic didn't load first time I opened the page :dohh:)
Thank you! I'm deffo putting the calmness down to the hypo birthing CD that I listened to each night through out my last pregnancy and reading the booklets that came with it! Until that, I never believed that simple breathing could work so well! I didn't have them this time round, but I just kept reminding myself of everything I had read in the book!
Absolutely gorgeous- your story AND your baby! Congratulations :)
beautiful brth story, pic and name!Congrats!
brilliant story, and 6lb 10 biggest baby, jealous much with my 9lber who i did feel tear me ha ha. shes gorgeous. xx
brilliant story, and 6lb 10 biggest baby, jealous much with my 9lber who i did feel tear me ha ha. shes gorgeous. xx

:haha: yes Ive been nice and lucky with sizes! Nice and small, but not TOO small that they need extra care! I'd dread to think what a 9lber is like!! lol
Ha ha she's the only one I've pushed out so nothing to compare to but like I've said to my friend with a massive bump it's gone hurt no matter how big and once you know how big they are the work and any damage (lol) has been done and everyone's different like women having a 10pm baby with just a graze!! I reckon I wouldn't of torn so bad if I had of taken it easy, I just pushed like no tomorrow and was out in 3!! So much for "breathing her down" oops!! Ha ha. Xx

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