Thought I'd introduce myself (update!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
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I've been lurking around the forum for a couple of days but haven't felt up to introducing myself until now...hi! :wave:

I had my little boy, Liam, on November 27th and 1:26pm. He was 30+0 weeks gestation and weighed 3lbs 10oz. He's at another local Hospital at the moment in their NICU and is doing well :)
Congrats on lil Liam hunny! :hugs:
Congrats hun! I'm happy to hear Liam is doing well, and what a good weight!! :)
Congratulations! My little nephew is called Liam :) And that is a great weight! Keep us posted :flower:
Thank you everyone! :hugs:
Liam's doing really well. He's doing 2 hours twice a day off the ventilators and he's coping well with it...they're talking about trying to wean him off the ventilator if he continues to do well!!
I've been expressing (still not quite got the hang of it but I'm getting there) and he had his first feed yesterday. He got on well and his stomach tolerated it so he's having 0.5ml breastmilk every 2 hours :thumbup:

I'm still finding everything a bit mind-blowing. It's killing me him being all on his own and not being able to pick him up and cuddle him when he cries but I know he's in the best place for him at the moment. He probably won't be home for Christmas but we're hoping he'll be transferred back to the Hospital near where we live by then. He has a big sister who can't wait to meet him!!! :D
Congratulations hun!
I was 29+6 with the twins and Chloe weighed 3lb10oz. Jaycee was a bit smaller at 3lb5oz! Its a journey, thats for sure but like you said Liam is in the best place for him right now.. Good news about the ventilator! Hopefully it continues to progress like this and Liam continues to do well and before you know it time will pass and he will come home!
Good luck.
I'm always around if you would like to chat. Just PM me.

Welcome and congratulations.

The journey will be long and short, happy and sad, exciting and frustrating - all at the same time.

I felt lost for the first week or two but soon settled into it.

We're all here to see you through the inevitable ups and downs and someone here will have experienced anything you have any questions about.

Also, have a look at the Bliss website and on the message boards there are notices about local support groups. You might find one in your area. Being able to sit an have a chin wag with others who have been or are going through the same situation is invaluable.

Keep us posted on progress. :hugs:
Hello and congratulations on your little man - he is absolutely gorgeous! That's a really good weight and it sounds as if he's doing really well.

I totally agree with everything foogirl said in her post :)wave: foogirl!).

I also felt lost for the first couple of weeks but you do soon get into a routine of sorts and it becomes your whole life to the extent that when you leave, as well as it being a really happy and exciting occasion, you feel a bit sad too and feel as if you're leaving your comfort zone.

I also struggled to get the hang of the expressing but after a few days I was fine and continued to do it for 10 weeks and then breastfed.

Our baby was in hospital 60 miles from home for the whole 12 weeks (but it could have been a lot worse if they'd not had a cot there - the only other hospitals that had cots at the time were Liverpool, Manchester and London and we're right up on the Scottish border so we were glad to end up in Edinburgh!) - I hope Liam gets transferred to a hospital nearer you. xxxxx
:wave: Katy

We were nearly transfered. Abby got the last NNICU space at Stirling and that was only because I jumped the queue. Had to lose 2 pints of blood to do it though!

We were on the list for Aberdeen (would have been great as my family is up there) or Newcastle or Sheffield. Thankfully we never had to go through that.

The more I hear of babies being transferred, and go into our unit and see it mostly full to the brim - certainly more often than it is very quiet - the more I wish they would spend the money and invest in more bed spaces for little ones.:growlmad:
Welcome & congrats on Liams birth! Keep us updated on Liams progress! You'll find lots of support in this section!
Liam is doing really well :)
They've started to wean him off the nCPAP; he's doing 4 hours on it, 4 hours off it, 4 hours on it, etc. And last night/this morning he went from 1am - 6.30am all on his own!!

In terms of feeding, he didn't really tolerate the 0.5ml breastmilk every 2 hours so they dropped it back down to every 3 hours. But they tried feeding him every 2 hours again today and, so far, his stomach is coping with it!!
by the way, Liam is gorgeous!! sounds he is doing really well, thats a lot of sleep too!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Congratulations Liam is beautiful and is doing well on the weaning of cpap.

Glad he has started tolerating his milk.
Well done Liam. This breathing malarky's a doddle!

He looks gorgeous - and what big hands! Mr Foo would be calling him "knuckles":haha:
Congratulations on your little guy! Liam is gorgeous! Sounds like he is doing really well!
Thanks everyone!!
Liam's had a bit of a set-back lately but he's getting better. He was doing 6 hours off the CPAP & 2 hours on it and having 1ml of milk every hour but they noticed he was struggling with his breathing a little. They did a chest x-ray and found some fluid on his lung and an infection in the other so he's been on CPAP continually, off his milk completely and on antibiotics.
He's doing much better this morning though. He's having 1ml of milk every hour again and they're trying him for 1 hour off the CPAP to see how he gets on.

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