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three week smoothie detox while breastfeeding


<3 Isobel's Mommy <3
Jan 7, 2015
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Do you think it's be safe to do a smoothie detox while breastfeeding? Now here the thing is id make sure my smoothies have adequate healthy fats, healthy carbs, protein, and of course plenty of greens, veggies, and fruits. Here's the detox plan I've set up:

4- 8 oz. smoothies a day (breakfast, "snack", lunch,"snack")

1 solid balanced meal (dinner)

1 1/2 gallon of water a day

Prenatal, and calcium supplement

No soda, no junk food, fast food, nothing but home cooked unprocessed meals and smoothies.

I would intake 2,250 calories to start a day and adjust my calorie intake if I feel I need. (I consume about 2,000 right now)

2 one mile walks, once in the morning, once at night with baby on my chest.

I am not doing this to lose weight but because I feel I need to cleanse myself. I am not eating the way I should, I would make sure I am getting all my nutrients (the daily recommendation for breastfeeding women) in my smoothies, one solid mean, prenatal/calcium daily. I would not be depriving my body of anything but junk.

It takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit and I need to break away from fast food, junk, soda (really bad here), and processed foods.

Do you think this would be possible while breastfeeding. I mean as long as I'm getting my nutrients and calories does it matter in what form?
Pretty sure that's fine, as long as you're getting the calories in you I don't think it matters what they're from.

I have been trying to do this as well got into a really bad rut of having convenience food because I was breastfeeding all the time (still am) and have a five year old to look after as well, and my baby was having a lot of green poo for none of the normal reasons. After eating much better I think it may have been because of the amount of sugar I was eating.

I have found it really hard though, I am hungry all the time because of breastfeeding, I have been able to eat bigger meals than my OH which is really not like me.
Is the smoothie necessary? Ifyou are going to be ensuring it is full of all your nutrients, why not have it in the form of a meal, why a smoothie? I'm just curious, I don't have any reason to think it would have any negative impact on bf. For your own health you will be losing some of the benefits of the fibre in your ingredients when you make the food in to a smoothie.
Is the smoothie necessary? Ifyou are going to be ensuring it is full of all your nutrients, why not have it in the form of a meal, why a smoothie? I'm just curious, I don't have any reason to think it would have any negative impact on bf. For your own health you will be losing some of the benefits of the fibre in your ingredients when you make the food in to a smoothie.

It is easier for your body to use the nutrients that way, and I can blend chia seeds which absorb toxins. It does not harm the fiber as it blends whole foods, not juicing. Which means the fiber is consumed. It is easier for your body to absorb the nutrients which in turn slows the process of fat storing and heightens energy.

Just a fun fact sugar is a complex make up of fructose and glucose (imagine your hands clasped together) so you body has to use alot more to break it up, and its then stored as fat. Where as honey is a simple make up of glucose and fructose (imagine two fists not touching but instead floating freely). This is easy for your body to break up and your body more readily uses it for energy.

Also with smoothies I get way more amounts of veggies in then a normal person could consume whole, because even when you chew your body has to break down these bigger chunks you swallow. In a smoothie its well blended, fiber included, I am more likely to add veggies I dislike (kale), and get a larger variety. I can add things like chia seeds, and cilantro which naturally draw out toxins, and flax seeds which promote good BMs (and extra fiber) In turn my body burns fat and I have natural energy boosters. The solid meal is to aid hunger over night as smoothies are digested faster, so a solid meal will keep me full over night and prevent waking hungry. After the three weeks you are less likely to go back to bad habits, and the solid meal is a chance to experiment with healthy new meals which can be incorporated to replace the smoothies at the end of the detox.

This is a real way to break bad habits, I've done it before and then got pregnant haha. I can't think of anything but benefits it'd give me and my baby but just wanted to see others opinions.
Yeah I assumed you might want to add a few bits of your less favourite things in there! Sounds good. I just know I'd struggle to drink enough to stave off hunger - I just can't chug things and I'd be bored taking as long drinking a smoothie as I would eating a meal because it's the same flavour in every mouthful. I'm an awful dieter though - by which I mean I don't!

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