Thrush is gonna kill me! Need major support tonight!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Mia and I have thrush.. And it's going to kill me!!! First when I got the pain in my nipples I thought it was because of the baking soda drying them out so I went a day without treating myself... BIG MISTAKE!!!! I'm so bad I have cracks and bleeding and I scream and cry when I nurse her now. Her thrush isn't bugging her she is eating drinking normally and hers appears to be well under control. Now i'm on antifungal cream, antibacterial cream, hydrogen peroxide, and a yeast pill. I'm also having to give her bottles and am missing feedings so I got fenugreek to help me get back up when I can feed her fully again. Mia is being treated with baking soda and water and probiotic yogurt.

Does anyone have any other advice for us? We are trying to stay as natural as possible.
I had a yeast rash bad and used coconut oil. I put it on before feedings and after. It helps from passing it back and forth. It worked well for me. Also I taken acidophilus probiotic.

For LO I give him a little coconut oil to eat and a baby probiotic. I get the good stuff they store in the fridge. I also sterilize my pump equipment every day. It's a tough battle but you can do it!
I had a yeast rash bad and used coconut oil. I put it on before feedings and after. It helps from passing it back and forth. It worked well for me. Also I taken acidophilus probiotic.

For LO I give him a little coconut oil to eat and a baby probiotic. I get the good stuff they store in the fridge. I also sterilize my pump equipment every day. It's a tough battle but you can do it!

Also do not use nursing pads with plastic backing, they create a moist yeast happy environment. Let your boobs air out as much as possible if you can.
Sterilize everything that goes into her mouth every single day. Bottle nipples, teethers, toys. It can recolonize her after you finally get rid of it and she'll give it to you again. We try to stay natural, too, but I highly recommend going down to your pharmacy and buying some gentian violet. It's a dye that you paint in her mouth/on your nipples with a cotton ball/q-tip. It's not nystatin, and it's not specifically an anti-fungal. It's not what I would call natural, but I'd probably actually put it on the same level of "natural" as bicarb powder. It will work a million times better and it's over the counter. If that's not natural enough, grapefruit seed extract is supposed to work better than the bicarb, too. Dropping sugar from your diet is supposed to help you kick it, too, but I'm personally iffy on the accuracy of that one.
Today is really rough! Yesterday and today I fed mostly bottles of left over expressed milk and didn't pump in place of feedings and now like the idiot I am My supply dropped drastically! I started taking fenugreek 2 pills 3 times a day 610 mg. She is frustrated at the breast because nothing is coming out i'm barely getting an ounce pumping. I'm in so much pain i'm crying when she eats and she than also doesn't want to eat cause she's feeding off my stress. And all my mom can look at me and say is give her formula..

And dumb me all I can think about is the mom's who have the I breast fed exclusively for a year my baby never had formula and never had a bottle.. And how badly I want to be one of those moms! I never ever wanted Mia to have formula ever! I feel like the biggest failure in the world for having to think about giving her formula. But it just seems like she is starving.. This was suppose to be the one thing I could for sure do for my daughter.

The thrust seems to be getting better for both of us but I have deep cracks that really need to heal before i'll be comfortable again. I'm now pumping after every time she eats. Multiple times on each sides. I'm also pumping inbetween when she eats. Anyone have any other tips to get milk supply up in a matter of hours? Or am I really going to have to resort to formula.
I promise that this is something you can get through.
Honestly, right now I think you should sit down and decide which is more important to you: going as natural as possible or meeting your breastfeeding goals.
Fluconazole (Diflucan) for both of you is fast and effective. Diflucan + pain killers= easier breastfeeding when you have thrush as badly as it sounds like you have it.
It's more likely that the pain and stress is inhibiting your letdown than that your supply has dried up so drastically in that short of a period. It's also possible that with all the pumping + missed feeds + possible increase in solids she's taking that you're in the process of ovulating and that will reduce your supply for a time.
The best thing you can do for your bf relationship right now is probably to just kick the yeast any way that you can, natural or unnatural, and take a weekend nursing vacation with tons of skin to skin and relaxing nursing.
Drop the pumping if you can and just nurse. Pumping is just going to irritate you and prevent healing. Ignore your mom, bless her heart. Even if your supply has decreased, you've been lactating for seven months now. Just keep nursing and you'll be back to normal soon, like any other growth spurt.
If you want to give formula, that's your choice. But it sounds like you don't. So don't. You can get through this.
Get the both of you to your doctors. Stat.
Thank you so much!! I'm bawling at your response I needed it so bad. I did get us medicated antifungal meds yesterday. And like I said I'm pretty sure our thrust is clearing up pretty good. It's just the cracks right now.. I feel like the first 2 weeks of nursing... And bless my hubby's heart he's willing to do anything to help us. So I think I will take a nursing vacation and just lay around with her enjoying the bonding time I'm not sure she will love it.. I actually might just stick her in a kangaroo hold in her wrap and enjoy it.
The jack newman protocol is the only think that worked for me. I suggest getting fluconozole for 2 weeks for both of you. I had it with my first for 7 weeks and it was terrible but I'm glad I stuck it out
If there's a chemist you can call up, there are nipple ointments designed with pain relief for damaged skin in mind. They should be able to mix something up for you. There are also second-skin type ointments safe for breastfeeding that you can get in some areas. Being in pain sucks. Like really, really sucks and I'm the biggest pussy when it comes to pain, but pain is temporary. Do you feel now how far away the pain from the first few weeks of bf seems? That's what this will feel like months from now. Keep that feeling of "this will soon be a distant memory" in mind.
Well Ladies We are doing better so I will update you on how we managed to kick thrush's butt.

1. We used baking soda and water mixture after everytime she ate as well as giving her a fresh sterilized nuk. We also used it before and after every time I fed her.

2. She got an activia yogurt every day. This has lactobacillus in it.

3. The last two days we finally broke down and I started using an over the counter antifungal on myself. Everything I had read said that by the time you feed her it will be soaked in to your skin enough.

4. I didn't wear a bra. I had to wear a shelf tank top but if you can just wear a lose t-shirt even better! I also changed my tank top twice a day and washed my tanktops in hot hot water and than dried them in the sun. uv kills yeast.

Mia is now battling some yeast diaper rash to treat that she is continuing to eat a yogurt a day and we are treating that with baking soda water and apple cider vinegar and what really helps inbetween diaper changes thanks to the doctors trick.. antiperspirant deodorant. It keeps moisture from the skin and keeps the yeast from producing moisture to grow.

Thank you so much for your support ladies!! Any other thrust mom's I am here for support and you can ask me any questions!
So happy to hear that your thrush has cleared up. I can't imagine how much pain it must have been!
If you get a probiotic capsule you can break it open and use it like a powder on the rash and it will heal it almost immediately
Did your thrush start out as non itchy red patches all over your breast and stomach?

I have these all over my breast and stomach and wondering if it is the start of thrush.
Our thrush was the result of antibiotic use due to a bad sinus infection that I had. and It started as milkey patches in her mouth and than turned into excruciating pain in my nipples that cracked and turned red and inflamed.

My biggest tip is no matter how bad it hurts pump and feed as much as you can bear it.
Found out I have p. rosea, totally unrelated to breastfeeding I guess

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