hey hun my timeline
went in on the monday at 3pm for pre-op bloods and to talk with aneasthetist and surgeon. I could have gone home after but because i had to use busses i was asked to stay in as i had to be there at 6am on the day. DO MAKE A BIRTH PLAN! my surgeon looked through mine as i wanted a "natural section" where everything is done slower!
Tuesday - 7:30 am .. midwife brought in my hospital gowns.. and i was talked through the procedure again. making sure i was still happy with everything.
8:45 - main theatre midwife came to get me and we walked down to the theatre once she got the nod that they were ready at 9:05
9:15 - into the theatre (while dh was taken to get gowned up) and they got the spinal in and got me ready. DH was then brought in.. DS2 was born at 9:48 (i think it was lol i always forget the exact minutes). he was a NATURAL section so he was "stepped" out slowly then drapes etc were dropped so i could see him coming out and lifted up to confirm sex, they then waited 3 minutes to cut the cord.. got some photos then took him and DH over to the other area in the room to clean him up and DH cut the cord (well he cut it short anyway). they both then came bk to me and i was offered skin to skin straight away but said no as i was being suffocated by my boobs lol. Taken into recovery at about half 10 and stayed there till 12. during which time i had constant skin to skin and BF straight away.
12 - taken back onto the ward.. i had a cathater in. My mum brought DS1 in at 1:30 and i was more than happy to see them. I had been vomitting profusely straight after being brough tto the ward but they gave me 2 anti sickness injections to sort that out. Mum left around 3 then dh took DS1 into town with him then took him home. My dad came to visit at 6pm then my sister and her friend came at 7 and stayed till around 10pm. I thoroughly enjoyed my visitors. Ill add i had been up and about with the help of a midwife a few times that afternoon to change pads/pants
6am Wednesday - cathater out and into the shower (felt like a new woman!). i was up and about from then on and did everything myself. DH and DS1 arrived at 9am and were with me most of the day. my mum and dad were back in that night together to see my boys.
7am thursday - I was packed and ready to leave... waiting on my discharge notes etc and a quick talk with a phycio about excersising etc.
9:30am - in a taxi on my way home
10:45am - walked down to get DS1 from nursery and surprise him
I think a birth plan is a good idea if you want to do what i did with the natural birth. not everywhere is willing to do it though... i think i was very lucky xx