ok so i just went to the bathroom, and when i wiped i noticed that there was a little bit of orange tinge on the paper. last night i had baby cramps in my lower abdomen. so i was wondering if maybe it could be or no chance.
hey, i know how you feel when i was TTC i took every lil thing to be a possible symptom and drove myself mad flossing through every pregnancy website i could find. but after all i had to realise that if i was pregnant i was and if i wasnt i wasnt, i could tell you as much as you like about when i concieved but theres no way of knowing if it'll be the same for you.
i was trying for two months and in those months i was full of every symptom you can name so of cource i got my hopes up just to be knocked down. Then the month we did it i had nothing, no breast tenderness, no tiredness nothing i felt fine, untill i missed my period.
What you experienced could have been any number of things, so now its best to hold tight and wait and see as hard as that may sound, the 2WW was plain awful for me.
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