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Only those of you who actually experienced implantation bleeding, please.
Before I start this, I want to explain that I am extremely descriptive in my posts and I apologize for this ahead of time lol. There may be some TMI and a lot of details, so hold in there with me, please.
Also, I am just looking for some descriptions and details. I haven't been on BabyandBump for about a month, since my last failed attempt at TTC because I've been so busy (and let's all face it, after my last failed attempt, BFN, and period, I've been rather depressed)..
I have had some pretty negative experiences on a lot of the baby & TTC boards I have been on.. (Not BabyandBump in particular, I've been on more than one website the last year).. I either get no answer at all, or a few very rude or very unhelpful answers. TTC with fertility issues, I know, is very hard on all of us. So please no need to be rude or leave a bunch of "You're not pregnant" responses, please.
I am no asking if you think I may be pregnant or not, I am not asking for negativity. But I am also not asking for people to tell me just what I want to hear. I am just asking for personal experiences that may be similar. I'm sure most women with problems TTC hate the "You probably aren't pregnant" responses and the "I can't help you, good luck" responses as much as I do. They tend to be kind of hurtful. I am fully aware of how unlikely my chances of being pregnant are. I do not need to be reminded. I get enough of that on the outside of these threads, in every day life in the real world. So please don't do that to me here.
We have already decided on getting my husband's "little soldiers" checked after this cycle if our TTC attempt has once again failed.

So let me get started..
My husband and I have been TTC after my being on Depo Provera Shot for over a year. The Depo Provera, to be honest with everyone, has been a living hell and made my life a lot harder than it needs to be. Getting pregnant has been a nightmare. I have managed to have 3 periods since stopping Depo, it taking a year for my period to come back after Depo and another year of failed TTC.
I made an attempt at charting my BBT for the first time ever this cycle. I never attempted it before until now because I always thought it would just make TTC more stressful, and I may have been right. So I'm terrible at charting my BBT for now. BUT..
I started my last period on March 22, and it was a full 7 day long period with heavy bleeding and cramping. I have ALWAYS had extremely harsh periods since I was a pre-teen. The 7 years (yes, 7 years) on Depo I had absolutely NO periods. My first period after getting rid of Depo was just the same as all my previous periods before Depo. I have such severe cramps that I am down for the count and can't manage to do anything besides lay in bed for 3 to 4 days with a heating pad on my belly, chocolate in my mouth, and tears in my eyes. My period cramps are seriously EXCRUCIATING and my blood flow is always really heavy. And I ALWAYS feel it coming at least 3 days a head of time.
I always get my usual "my period is about to start smell" (TMI and this is probably gross) two to three days prior before the bleeding starts. No one else really seems to notice it, but I will just be going about my usual day (sitting at work, driving in the car, lounging around the house, what have you) and will smell a really strange, metallic-like smell coming off of myself (not just from down there, but just off myself in general) and know that Aunt Flo is on her way. Always. Never fails. Always happened before Depo, and after Depo. The extreme cramping begins around the same time as this smell. When the bleeding begins, I immediately feel it coming out and it is always a small amount of blood but a very deep and vivid red and kind of thick. The bleeding just gets worse through the week and very heavy and in large amounts.
While charting my BBT, I noticed it is ALWAYS at 96.8. All through my period it is 96.8 every morning at 8am.
On April 6-11, my BBT went a little crazy. It slowly started rising past 97.1 and eventually to 98.3 and then back down to 97.3 and started rising again ever since. 97.3, .4, .5, .6 and so on. I stopped taking my BBT as of April 18th because of my mind being consumed by other things, and I just lost track and lost the desire to keep up with it anymore after a BFN on the 19th. But if I ovulated, I think it may have been sometime between April 6-11 (give or take)... My husband and I have
once every day to every other day since my period stopped this entire cycle. We have not gone longer than 2 days without, but no more than once each day.
My period was due to start on April 19th (again, give or take) with another BFN on First Response Early Result HPT on the 20th.
It is now the 23rd of April at 1am and I (out of absolutely nowhere) with no warning started very very lightly bleeding. It is not coming out or in to my panties, it is only when I go pee and when I wipe. I went to pee, wiped, and there was very very light pink spots on the toilet paper. No discharge or anything, just very very light pink spotting. When I went to pee again later on a second time (about an hour later), there was a very light flow of blood in the potty and again very light spotting on the toilet paper.
I have very, very light cramping. NOTHING compared to my PMS cramps. These are VERY light and come and go, barely even noticeable. I put a pad on thinking this may be my period, but it is just extremely different. This just started within the last two hours. No more spotting, really, since that point so far. I have not once gotten the slightest hint of my usual "Aunt Flo is coming smell" or heavy cramping like my usual periods and the blood looks absolutely nothing like my period blood usually looks. It is very light pink, very thin, and very minimal. I am waiting it out a couple of days to see if it is my period or possible implantation bleeding (if I can manage to keep my hopes up
) but I was wanting to ask who else has had any experiences similar to this and if they ended up with a BFP. What did your implantation bleeding feel like and did anyone experience implantation bleed that was exactly like a very light period? Because that is how this feels but I have never had a light period in my life and Aunt Flo has always been a nightmare for me. lol.
I also want to add that within the last week or so, I have been extremely moody (before my period I usually get very ANGRY moody. Lately I've just been back and forth between overly happy and overly sad), my breasts have been very sensitive and ITCHY (before my period they are usually pretty sore with lots of swelling and a "sunburn" feeling, but lately they are just slightly sensitive and extremely itchy!), I was extremely constipated on the 13-15 (after expected ovulation), the veins in my chest, hips, ankles, and thighs are so powerful that my skin almost looks transparent, and I have light brown spots on my thighs and very tiny spider veins showing up in my belly and hips. I have experienced extreme fatigue, but no nausea or anything. I almost puked once the other day when I stood up too fast and became really dizzy, but never puked and it passed pretty quickly. I've also experienced very frequent urination, and "hot feet" at night when I lay down to go to sleep.
I had a best friend who has had multiple children, and with her first pregnancy had light period like bleeding AFTER her BFP and it freaked her out, but she turned out just fine. But her and I are no longer in touch for me to ask her about this and her experiences. So..
Just some updates and strange things going on with me, I don't know. I doubt I'm pregnant. I'll be damned if I get my hopes up again, honestly. Either way, I'm a little moody and discouraged thinking this is probably just my period, but it would be helpful to hear of other experiences other women have had. Did anyone else get a "Light Period" right before their BFP? Can anyone explain their differences between AF and pregnancy symptoms and how they learned to tell implantation bleeding apart from a period? Because I'm sure you are all aware of how completely useless Google is.. (and yes, I'm a 'Googler'.. I'm one of those people who searches every little thing almost obsessively. Don't judge!
Thanks in advance to any responses I may get. Hopefully I can get this mess straightened out soon. I'll continue to reply and post in this thread to keep everyone updated to help those of you who are probably experiencing the same thing and happen to be just as confused as I am. LOL!
Blessings & Baby Dust, My Loves! Thanks Again!
Before I start this, I want to explain that I am extremely descriptive in my posts and I apologize for this ahead of time lol. There may be some TMI and a lot of details, so hold in there with me, please.
Also, I am just looking for some descriptions and details. I haven't been on BabyandBump for about a month, since my last failed attempt at TTC because I've been so busy (and let's all face it, after my last failed attempt, BFN, and period, I've been rather depressed)..
I have had some pretty negative experiences on a lot of the baby & TTC boards I have been on.. (Not BabyandBump in particular, I've been on more than one website the last year).. I either get no answer at all, or a few very rude or very unhelpful answers. TTC with fertility issues, I know, is very hard on all of us. So please no need to be rude or leave a bunch of "You're not pregnant" responses, please.

I am no asking if you think I may be pregnant or not, I am not asking for negativity. But I am also not asking for people to tell me just what I want to hear. I am just asking for personal experiences that may be similar. I'm sure most women with problems TTC hate the "You probably aren't pregnant" responses and the "I can't help you, good luck" responses as much as I do. They tend to be kind of hurtful. I am fully aware of how unlikely my chances of being pregnant are. I do not need to be reminded. I get enough of that on the outside of these threads, in every day life in the real world. So please don't do that to me here.

We have already decided on getting my husband's "little soldiers" checked after this cycle if our TTC attempt has once again failed.

So let me get started..
My husband and I have been TTC after my being on Depo Provera Shot for over a year. The Depo Provera, to be honest with everyone, has been a living hell and made my life a lot harder than it needs to be. Getting pregnant has been a nightmare. I have managed to have 3 periods since stopping Depo, it taking a year for my period to come back after Depo and another year of failed TTC.
I made an attempt at charting my BBT for the first time ever this cycle. I never attempted it before until now because I always thought it would just make TTC more stressful, and I may have been right. So I'm terrible at charting my BBT for now. BUT..
I started my last period on March 22, and it was a full 7 day long period with heavy bleeding and cramping. I have ALWAYS had extremely harsh periods since I was a pre-teen. The 7 years (yes, 7 years) on Depo I had absolutely NO periods. My first period after getting rid of Depo was just the same as all my previous periods before Depo. I have such severe cramps that I am down for the count and can't manage to do anything besides lay in bed for 3 to 4 days with a heating pad on my belly, chocolate in my mouth, and tears in my eyes. My period cramps are seriously EXCRUCIATING and my blood flow is always really heavy. And I ALWAYS feel it coming at least 3 days a head of time.
I always get my usual "my period is about to start smell" (TMI and this is probably gross) two to three days prior before the bleeding starts. No one else really seems to notice it, but I will just be going about my usual day (sitting at work, driving in the car, lounging around the house, what have you) and will smell a really strange, metallic-like smell coming off of myself (not just from down there, but just off myself in general) and know that Aunt Flo is on her way. Always. Never fails. Always happened before Depo, and after Depo. The extreme cramping begins around the same time as this smell. When the bleeding begins, I immediately feel it coming out and it is always a small amount of blood but a very deep and vivid red and kind of thick. The bleeding just gets worse through the week and very heavy and in large amounts.
While charting my BBT, I noticed it is ALWAYS at 96.8. All through my period it is 96.8 every morning at 8am.
On April 6-11, my BBT went a little crazy. It slowly started rising past 97.1 and eventually to 98.3 and then back down to 97.3 and started rising again ever since. 97.3, .4, .5, .6 and so on. I stopped taking my BBT as of April 18th because of my mind being consumed by other things, and I just lost track and lost the desire to keep up with it anymore after a BFN on the 19th. But if I ovulated, I think it may have been sometime between April 6-11 (give or take)... My husband and I have

My period was due to start on April 19th (again, give or take) with another BFN on First Response Early Result HPT on the 20th.
It is now the 23rd of April at 1am and I (out of absolutely nowhere) with no warning started very very lightly bleeding. It is not coming out or in to my panties, it is only when I go pee and when I wipe. I went to pee, wiped, and there was very very light pink spots on the toilet paper. No discharge or anything, just very very light pink spotting. When I went to pee again later on a second time (about an hour later), there was a very light flow of blood in the potty and again very light spotting on the toilet paper.
I have very, very light cramping. NOTHING compared to my PMS cramps. These are VERY light and come and go, barely even noticeable. I put a pad on thinking this may be my period, but it is just extremely different. This just started within the last two hours. No more spotting, really, since that point so far. I have not once gotten the slightest hint of my usual "Aunt Flo is coming smell" or heavy cramping like my usual periods and the blood looks absolutely nothing like my period blood usually looks. It is very light pink, very thin, and very minimal. I am waiting it out a couple of days to see if it is my period or possible implantation bleeding (if I can manage to keep my hopes up

I also want to add that within the last week or so, I have been extremely moody (before my period I usually get very ANGRY moody. Lately I've just been back and forth between overly happy and overly sad), my breasts have been very sensitive and ITCHY (before my period they are usually pretty sore with lots of swelling and a "sunburn" feeling, but lately they are just slightly sensitive and extremely itchy!), I was extremely constipated on the 13-15 (after expected ovulation), the veins in my chest, hips, ankles, and thighs are so powerful that my skin almost looks transparent, and I have light brown spots on my thighs and very tiny spider veins showing up in my belly and hips. I have experienced extreme fatigue, but no nausea or anything. I almost puked once the other day when I stood up too fast and became really dizzy, but never puked and it passed pretty quickly. I've also experienced very frequent urination, and "hot feet" at night when I lay down to go to sleep.
I had a best friend who has had multiple children, and with her first pregnancy had light period like bleeding AFTER her BFP and it freaked her out, but she turned out just fine. But her and I are no longer in touch for me to ask her about this and her experiences. So..
Just some updates and strange things going on with me, I don't know. I doubt I'm pregnant. I'll be damned if I get my hopes up again, honestly. Either way, I'm a little moody and discouraged thinking this is probably just my period, but it would be helpful to hear of other experiences other women have had. Did anyone else get a "Light Period" right before their BFP? Can anyone explain their differences between AF and pregnancy symptoms and how they learned to tell implantation bleeding apart from a period? Because I'm sure you are all aware of how completely useless Google is.. (and yes, I'm a 'Googler'.. I'm one of those people who searches every little thing almost obsessively. Don't judge!

Thanks in advance to any responses I may get. Hopefully I can get this mess straightened out soon. I'll continue to reply and post in this thread to keep everyone updated to help those of you who are probably experiencing the same thing and happen to be just as confused as I am. LOL!
Blessings & Baby Dust, My Loves! Thanks Again!