There are tons of counterfeit items on Amazon. There's been a surge in Chinese sellers with fakes, and Amazon is doing nothing about it. It's been reported that Amazon is trying to make it easier for these sellers to ship directly into Amazon fulfillment centers. It's all about money. Amazon gets seller fees and then commission and takes no responsibility for what is being sold. Birkenstock just cut ties with Amazon, and after January they won't even let authorized sellers of their product list on Amazon. They state too many counterfeiters on Amazon is ruining their brand name, and Amazon does nothing to stop them. Sellers on Amazon are just as frustrated but there isn't much they can do either. They can do test buys and the report the fakes to Amazon, but then another 10 sellers pop up selling the same fake crap.
I used to love shopping on Amazon, but I don't trust it anymore. A lot of products are comingled in the Amazon warehouses, so you might think you're buying from an authorized seller but you actually get product from another seller because the inventory is mixed together.
With the baby products specifically, you really have to worry about the safety. A counterfeit may look as good as the authentic item, but hasn't passed the same safety requirements. Toys too. Babies and toddlers put stuff in their mouth. You have to be concerned about the paint on those toys.
Sorry for the long post. I love the convenience of Amazon and am frustrated by what it's becoming.