Today I have cried over.......


Resident badass
Nov 12, 2007
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The fact that I forgot to buy a stamp :blush: Then sad song on the radio which made me think of my dog that died just over a year ago and I started blubbing again. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's a bit emotional. I can't stop crying :blush:
Nope your not the only one! I get emotional at the TV all the time lately from Friends to Eastenders, quite pathetic!!
You are definately not the only one, i cry at stupid things too. My 18year old dog died 2 weeks ago, so keep crying about that which i know is not silly. But i cry for no reason when just sitting watching tv, i was sitting in a university lecture and started crying for no reason, which was embarassing as no one knows I'm pregnant so they must think I'm mad. I think its our hormones. :) I'd cry if i forgot a stamp too. tee hee xxx
Oh good. I thought I was turning into an emotional wreck. I came in the front door, my mascara had run all down my face (must get waterproof:rofl:). My husband said, 'What's wrong?' and I just blubbed, 'I'm so sorry, I forgot your stamp'. Then I ran to the bathroom and cried about it for another 10 minutes.:blush:

He thinks I'm going mad:blush:. Men just don't understand do they?
Oh good. I thought I was turning into an emotional wreck. I came in the front door, my mascara had run all down my face (must get waterproof:rofl:). My husband said, 'What's wrong?' and I just blubbed, 'I'm so sorry, I forgot your stamp'. Then I ran to the bathroom and cried about it for another 10 minutes.:blush:

He thinks I'm going mad:blush:. Men just don't understand do they?

No men do definately not understand, my fiance just says "oh what are you crying out about now"? At first he was quite worried about seeing me cry, now he just ignores me. All i want is a hug. hee hee xx
I was crying at my mom's retirement embarassing...and since we haven't told anyone (including my parents) it's not like I could pass it off as pregnancy hormones...

i'm also *really* irritable! especially at bad drivers! I'm using my horn much more these days...
I went shopping today and saw a load of children singing christmas carols. That was me done! Crying like a baby! How stupid!
I'm not so bad now, but just before I found out I was expecting OH thought I'd gone mad when he found me sobbing histerically because the tip of my colouring pencil snapped!!

I've cried when the washing machine finished its laod before the tumble drier, when one of the cats used the litter tray just after I'd cleaned it, when the phone rang and I was watching tv. Its madness!
i watched the programme about that guy who won Britain Has Talent the other day...I challenge any pregnant lady to not cry during that!!!

and Robbie's mr bojangles made me sob the other day......just seemed so sad!!
The fact that I forgot to buy a stamp :blush: Then sad song on the radio which made me think of my dog that died just over a year ago and I started blubbing again. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's a bit emotional. I can't stop crying :blush:

Well if crying your eyes out when you are told that you can't have chinese for dinner is silly, then you are not alone babe :lol: :hugs:x
i watched the programme about that guy who won Britain Has Talent the other day...I challenge any pregnant lady to not cry during that!!!

and Robbie's mr bojangles made me sob the other day......just seemed so sad!!

I am not even pregnant and I got choked up?!?!?! I must still have stupid hormones in there somewhere! :wacko: Mind you, I could still get away with murder, so I must have (I keep reminding Paul of that fact too :lol:)
I cried in my dream and woke up crying this morning because someone said i was being greedy, i still continued crying after i woke for about 10mins after even though i knew it was a dream...and i cried on my lunch break today when i saw this really cute baby in her buggy with her legs up.
today i went to pick up my son at daycare, and a little boy put his finger in the crease of the door, and his mom went to shut it, and there was this terrible banshee scream. i stood there like a fool staring at the boy's fingers which were beginning to turn blue and bleed under the nails. i had to run away and cry. i was no help to boy or mother. i was a complete and utter wreck.
awwwwww i still keep thinking about the poor boy!:dohh:
All I can say is you are def not alone in this I really wanted Leon to win X Factor & bawled my eyes out when he did...:hissy::hissy::rofl:
My OH had the bright idea to buy me the book Chicken soup for the expectant mothers soul... and then he wondered why I was crying :) He's forever laughing at ( he says with) me because of the things that will make me cry. Any tv show, a sad song, happy songs, magazine ad's and stories... the list goes on from there
I've been crying all the time. I cried at extreme make over the other night :| Lol.
Haha, I cried my eyes out during Extreme Home Makeover too! I even cry at commercials:rofl: I feel you guys-my DH thinks I'm nuts because I've been sooo emotional. I cried when he ate the rest of my potato chips! I've been doing much better just recently though!
Haha Im a bit like that myself.

I was cooking yesterday in the kitchen and my OH said something like 'I can't wait to get away at the weekend so we can stop being stressed' and I said 'Speak for yourself, Im fine' and he just gave me this look with a raised eyebrow and I shouted at him and threw my spoon at him.

Oops :D Guess I am a bit.

I guess we can get away with it though!

i cryed last night when OH went 2 talk 2 are neighbour,

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