I took my 3 week old baby Sebastian to the breast feeding clinic at the John Radcliffe hospital for the first time today. I had hoped to go sooner, but I've had a bad cold and didn't want to spread my germs! It seems that my son's inability to latch without breast shields could possibly be due to tongue tie afterall! Two of the breast feeding experts both thought he had a bit of tongue tie. The trouble is, they say the waiting list for the snip is quite long and that some mums are choosing to go private.
My question is has anyone here had this done privately, and if so, how much did it cost? I'd rather not wait, but I'm concerned we won't be able to afford it
My question is has anyone here had this done privately, and if so, how much did it cost? I'd rather not wait, but I'm concerned we won't be able to afford it