Hi there, I am looking for any support from Moms who have had babies with torticollis which resulted in plagio (flattened head syndrome). At our 2 month old Drs visit, we spoke with our doc how we were noticing our son tilting his head to the rt in his car seat constantly, but the biggest thing we wanted to address was that his eyes were asymmetrical! Looking at our baby dead on it was not that noticable, but when we held him up in front of a mirror you could really see that his rt eye was far more pronounced then his left eye! Almost like it was open wider and the orbit itself was bigger. We were referred on to a physio specialist who taught us how to do stretches with our baby to loosen the tighten muscle from torticollis! She said that as long as we keep doing the stretches and keep our baby off the flat spot that resulted from the torticollis from him having his head always in one position, everything else should resolve, including the asymmetry of his eyes! Well, we have now been doing the exercises excessively for 2 months, tummy time, repositioning etc, the whole bit and although we have seen improvement with his neck muscles, only slight improvement from his eye is apparent! It has opened up a bit more but still the asymmetry remains! It is so frustrating and though I know it is not a life or death issue, I am at a loss cause I feel I have been putting 100% into this everyday! Has anyone experienced something similiar? Will the eye asymmetry resolve over time with physio etc or should I seek another opinion?? possible helmet for plagio? Although I feel his flat spot has improved greatly.