Generally, you can sort of treat the miscarriage as a period, so the day of the mc is CD1 and you would expect to be fertile however many days you usually are after that. It likely won't fall back into the same pattern you were in, but a new one will start. It's easier to figure out though once you get your first period. Honestly, if you're mid cycle, I wouldn't bother with temping. It will tell you nothing useful to start now. If you want to temp, I'd wait until the first day of your next cycle and start them (assuming you don't get pregnant this cycle). Opks, I would generally use every day just to see if you can get an idea of what's doing on for now, but you may not ovulate or you may have already if it's been a few weeks since your mc, so try not to worry too much if nothing seems to be happening.
My miscarriage was at 11 weeks (though was a missed mc so baby stopped developing well before that) and I had a d&c (waited 6 weeks for it to happen on its own and it never did). My cycles came back right away. Literally, if I counted the day of the d&c as CD1, I ovulated 14 days later just like I always would and got my first period after 28 days. We were not trying to conceive then anyway, but it was reassuring to know all was normal and fine. 2nd cycle it was the same, O on day 14 as always and now waiting. I don't bother with temping anymore (did my first two pregnancies), but now I use opks as I can tell when I'm ovulating anyway and can't be bothered with the temping as it doesn't tell me anything different. But I would just take it slowly and see what happens. If you are new to charting your cycles, I would be patient with it until you figure it out and it makes more sense to start from the beginning of the month (first day of your period), but certainly no harm in trying opks now. You might still catch it if they come soon enough. If nothing else, I found it reassuring to know that everything was working fine.