What are the differences and which one really matters, when it comes to fertility?
My treated is 25 (range is 6-29) and my untreated is 28.5 (range 5-23).
Anyone have a clue? If I go by my treated, I'm good to start my fertility medicine, but based off untreated, still higher than ideal.
I'm nursing my 18 month old, but RE doesn't want to start a Clomid round until my prolactin level goes down.
My treated is 25 (range is 6-29) and my untreated is 28.5 (range 5-23).
Anyone have a clue? If I go by my treated, I'm good to start my fertility medicine, but based off untreated, still higher than ideal.

I'm nursing my 18 month old, but RE doesn't want to start a Clomid round until my prolactin level goes down.