Trouble with smoking :S


Mummy to a rainbow boy
May 19, 2013
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I have only had about 10 smokes in total from when I found out. It's just soooo hard!!! It's making me over emotional (partly hormones as well I know), I can't help but just randomly start screaming and crying hysterically! My last smoke was yesterday, at 4 weeks and 4 days. I know this because I won't let myself have anymore nicotine.:nope:
My OH has an E-cigarette that he doesn't use, so I'm thinking about asking him if I can have it. The cartridges are nicotine free, but when you exhale, no smoke comes out since it's all vapor.... I just want to do the best thing for my little nugget, but I'm literally going C.R.A.Z.Y! I know that me feeling like this is stressing bubs, but I feel so guilty every time I have a smoke :cry:
Any tips, tricks? Please, HELP :wacko:
I managed to cut down from 10+ to 4 a day, sometimes less, but luckily I got morning sickness and went right off - still can't stand them. You could see a doctor for help?
I am seeing my doctor on Friday... on the phone she told me to slowly cut down so that I have quit by the time I'm 12 weeks. I know that my baby's most important development will be in the next 5 weeks, so I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that :wacko:
Quitting suddenly and.cold.turkey isnt healthy for you or bubs. Take.your time with it and try not to.feel.guilty! :hugs:
I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and she was healthy i smoked throughout my pregnancy and i was told not to quit and my daughter weighed 7lbs 8oz at birth no problems nothing. Quitting cold turkey can stress thd baby out and don't let anyone judge you!
Oh babe I feel your pain! My OH smokes so heavily, and it's hard to be around it. At some point during morning sickness I went off them for three days, but that passed and I started craving them again and I just couldn't give up! I really couldn't, I was stressed and I felt guilty with every cigarette but it was too hard.
But then I don't know what happened, I just stopped, and this was a month ago now, so I was about 14 weeks, and cold turkey. For some reason I didn't crave anymore, no withdrawals nothing. I think i'm lucky that I could do that, I think it was bubs :)
My midwife told me that patches, and gum is ok to help you quit, and the little bit of nicotine that is given through there is not as harmful as a real cigarette, so maybe thats the same as the e cigarettes too? Main thing is don't stress your body out! If cold turkey does that, then don't do it, its really bad for you and baby. PM me if you ever need help, I totally understand!xxx
Just cut down as much as you can and don't let people make you feel guilty is the main thing :) and also remember, less than 20 years ago, people used to smoke in burger king!
I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and she was healthy i smoked throughout my pregnancy and i was told not to quit and my daughter weighed 7lbs 8oz at birth no problems nothing. Quitting cold turkey can stress thd baby out and don't let anyone judge you!

Not being rude but just because your baby was healthy doesn't out weigh the fact that smoking is bad for you and for baby, it essentially cuts off baby's oxygen supply.
The benefits of stopping far out weighs the stress of stopping. Not saying its easy because I know its not (I smoked before I ever fell pregnant) but there's a lot of help out there to gradually cut down and its much better for baby if you've quit especially when they get here, smoking over baby isn't good at all.

OP defo speak to your doc and I really hope you find a way to stop :)
I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and she was healthy i smoked throughout my pregnancy and i was told not to quit and my daughter weighed 7lbs 8oz at birth no problems nothing. Quitting cold turkey can stress thd baby out and don't let anyone judge you!

Not being rude but just because your baby was healthy doesn't out weigh the fact that smoking is bad for you and for baby, it essentially cuts off baby's oxygen supply.
The benefits of stopping far out weighs the stress of stopping. Not saying its easy because I know its not (I smoked before I ever fell pregnant) but there's a lot of help out there to gradually cut down and its much better for baby if you've quit especially when they get here, smoking over baby isn't good at all.

OP defo speak to your doc and I really hope you find a way to stop :)
It's not good but i am just saying smoking is not always a reasonn ehy things happen in a pregnancy but now on thursday it will be 2 weeks i quit.. i tryed quitting a few times in the pregnancy but i found it really stressful
During my first,11 years ago I still had a couple of fags a day.was told baby would have low birth weight,earning difficulties etc....nut she was a healthy 7lb 15oz, and infant she is higher in mst of her classes and at a 14 yer old level.

During my second I never stopped but cut own..... Themore I tried not to smoke the more I did,but as soon as I just told myself do what I wanted the less I for smoke.

With my third,I was still smoking but trying to quit..... I went onto the e cigs and boy they were amazing.......menthol were lovely...... Anyway they helped me so much..... Till sickness kicked in and made it feel worse so ended up quitting.......

And still smoke free..... 1 year

Please don't be too hard on yourself,as hard as it may be.
You're definitely not alone here hun, I was a smoker too and everyday I still crave them, but I did manage to quit, I only had one after I found out and the guilt alone from that was enough to motivate me not to have more, although not everyone is so lucky :( definitely talk to your doctor, she will be able to help and were all here for moral support <3
When I fisrt found out, i continued smoking. But this was only because i didn't know of i was keeping it. Once i founf out how far along i was (abput 16 wks) i found quiting very easy. I simply just stopped. My first one again was when Noah was bout two weeks old.
I know everyones different but i quit because the little life in me needed me to.

But definatley talk to your doc. See what he recommends. Good luck and we'll always be here for support.
Don't feel guilty girl!
When i found out I continued smoking, because I was so stressed and felt SO guilty about it.. I literally cried sometimes and felt like such a horrible mother.
I wanted to post something like this on here a little while ago, but thought I would be put down and told I was being a bad mom.. I am almost 36 weeks and still smoke but have cut down a lot. I usually try to have a drag or two and put it out, so I don't smoke a lot during the day. And we don't smoke in the house AT ALL, because I don't want my baby exposed to it.. So that has helped a bit to, because I don't want to go outside all the time.
Like the other ladies said, I would talk to your doctor to because it's definately hard to quit on your own, I understand what your going through.
We're all here for support girl<3
I have only had about 10 smokes in total from when I found out. It's just soooo hard!!! It's making me over emotional (partly hormones as well I know), I can't help but just randomly start screaming and crying hysterically! My last smoke was yesterday, at 4 weeks and 4 days. I know this because I won't let myself have anymore nicotine.:nope:
My OH has an E-cigarette that he doesn't use, so I'm thinking about asking him if I can have it. The cartridges are nicotine free, but when you exhale, no smoke comes out since it's all vapor.... I just want to do the best thing for my little nugget, but I'm literally going C.R.A.Z.Y! I know that me feeling like this is stressing bubs, but I feel so guilty every time I have a smoke :cry:
Any tips, tricks? Please, HELP :wacko:

found out i was pregnant 7 yrs ago and after smoking for 30 yrs 3 packs a day quit...
now it wasnt easy and it was beyond stressful, but i knew this was the best thing for my baby and me...
you need to drink loads of water to stay hydrated, it helps loads...and helps wash the nicotine out your system faster..
also hard candy, gum and i used straws you drink from for my hands and mouth to get rid of that habit as was a fight but a fight worth it :)...

just make a date, get what your going to use to help you through it and then stick to it....the only problem i see with the e cig is emotionally you will still be addicted and you will always end up wanting one and may go back....

i now do not want, nor crave any cigs....i understand how hard it is to quit for people quiting but i dont have a it does go just have to make up your mind to want it enough and go for it...

good luck can do it :)

ps one thing that kept me away too is my friend when pregnant cut down to like 5 plus a day and he daughter has asmtha.....i could never live with myself If i ever gave my child a lifelong illness because i could have stopped something no matter how hard...ya know ;)
Quitting suddenly and.cold.turkey isnt healthy for you or bubs. Take.your time with it and try not to.feel.guilty! :hugs:

that is incorrect information....having a cig and putting poison in you and your baby is worse then cold turkey.....

this was something i lied to others as well when i was pregnant with my daughter so people wouldn't look at me badly....but that is all it was, a lie..

she does have some problems no life threatening, she is 18 now...i wonder if my cutting down but no quitting had something to do...maybe she wouldnt be dealing with whatever ya know

she is healthy but .....she does have some stuff that makes me wonder and the doctor cannot say if it cause i didnt quit fully
I was told by a Specialist Stop Smoking Midwife not to stop cold turkey. I cut down to less than 5 a day and switched to Menthol until I eventually stopped.

She was really supportive and came to my house once a week and when I stopped fully I got a certificate and a little gift from her. It was lovely to have that level of support. I don't know if they have a specialist team elsewhere but if they don't they should!

Coming up to 2 years smoke free, one of the best things I have ever done xx
Don't feel guilty girl!
When i found out I continued smoking, because I was so stressed and felt SO guilty about it.. I literally cried sometimes and felt like such a horrible mother.
I wanted to post something like this on here a little while ago, but thought I would be put down and told I was being a bad mom.. I am almost 36 weeks and still smoke but have cut down a lot. I usually try to have a drag or two and put it out, so I don't smoke a lot during the day. And we don't smoke in the house AT ALL, because I don't want my baby exposed to it.. So that has helped a bit to, because I don't want to go outside all the time.
Like the other ladies said, I would talk to your doctor to because it's definately hard to quit on your own, I understand what your going through.
We're all here for support girl<3
Just because you don't smoke in the house it will still be all over your clothes, hands, skin etc. If you smoke you will expose your baby to it, there's no escaping that fact. And what really bugs me is people smoke outside in town centre, parks etc and I have to walk past with my babies and expose them to it when I choose not to smoke, I don't smoke over my kids so I don't expect others to either.

Sorry bit of a rant...its a mega bug bare of mine. Well done for cutting down though.

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