This is my first time trying to have a baby. I have had one pregnancy scare last month where my period was 10 days late. After that my boyfriend and I decided that we were ready to have a baby. I have been constantly checking my temperature, charting my CM daily and taking my prenatal vitamins. This month my cm has been off a lot. I think that because my period was late, I ovulated late. My cm was not stretchy but it was watery. The next day my cm was glue like. Then Wednesday and Thursday my cm went back to being watery during the day and watery glue like during the night. The same this morning. Im not certain what is going on. I try to look it up but everything is very confusing. Help please and thank you in advance!
This is my first time trying to have a baby. I have had one pregnancy scare last month where my period was 10 days late. After that my boyfriend and I decided that we were ready to have a baby. I have been constantly checking my temperature, charting my CM daily and taking my prenatal vitamins. This month my cm has been off a lot. I think that because my period was late, I ovulated late. My cm was not stretchy but it was watery. The next day my cm was glue like. Then Wednesday and Thursday my cm went back to being watery during the day and watery glue like during the night. The same this morning. Im not certain what is going on. I try to look it up but everything is very confusing. Help please and thank you in advance!