Hi, I am new to the site but wanted to get some opionins on stuff. My periods have always been irregular i can have a period for over a month at a time. In October i missed my period and went to the doctor in November, she started me on Provera which started my period. Every since the provera I have a period for a week then I'm off for a week and start again, so i will have about 2 periods a month. I recently started going to a different doctor and he started me on Clomid 100 mg after blood work and everything else looked good. I started Clomid 2/13/15(day 2 of cycle) and my last pill was on the 17th.(also ended period on this day). I started taking opks on 2/18/15-2/26/15 all of them had 2 lines but looked negative but the second line kept getting darker.. I also have been doing BBt's they would stay being 97.2-97.4 every since 2/24/15 they have been 97.7 and going up everyday by .1. For the past 2-3 days I've had little annoying pains in my pelvic regiont that would come and go and my lower back was a little achy. I go back to the doctor on 3/9/15, and me and my husband are trying to wait it out but i just wanted to see what everyone thought. We have been trying for a little over 2 years and are ready for a baby! Any input is welcome!