Thanks Cheshire! How long have you been trying to conceive? For years I was having my thyroid levels checked by a primary care physician, but I recently sought treatment with a reproductive endocrinologist. My TSH was somewhere between 5 and 6 when I checked it last month, so my doctor increased my levothyroxine from 50mcg to 75mcg. But less than a week after the med change, she still had me do my 3rd IUI. Now that I am learning more about my thyroid, I think that was a mistake. I should have waited until I knew my levels were under control before going ahead with the IUI. I got my blood tested again on Friday and will get the results on Monday or Tuesday. If the levels aren't where they should be, I will advocate to postpone my 4th and final IUI until I can get it under control.
When the nurse told me that my TSH levels had increased, I asked her what could potentially cause that, and she said she didn't know! Never once has a doctor or nurse educated me about the interaction of foods and the thyroid. I just finally started doing my own research. I am reading a book now called "Your Healthy Pregnancy with Thyroid Disease" and have been doing research online. Things I thought were healthy- and can be for people with normal functionally thyroids- aren't healthy for us. For example, I was drinking sooo much grapefruit juice because I have heard there are benefits for EWCM. Grapefruit juice interacts with Levothyroxine and reduces its effectiveness....that may be why my TSH levels increased. I was also putting flaxseeds in my smoothie... I read that can bad for people with hypothyroidism, and I was eating cruciferous veggies (like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts) and I read that that can really suppress thyroid function. I also read that you shouldn't take your vitamins at the same time as you take Levothyroxine, because there is an interaction and can make the Levothyroxine less effective. I never knew that. I always took it with my vitamins.
I am just sharing all this because I have been struggling with infertility, and I wish my doctor had educated me more about my thyroid. I realize now that I should have taken it into my own hands and not just have trusted her to tell me these things. But it's not too late... I am going to try to take my health into my own hands now, and I hope that I can become pregnant after making some serious lifestyle changes.
If you haven't already, I would encourage you to learn as much as you can about it too. There is so much information out there that a lot of doctors won't even tell you. Best of luck to you in your TTC journey.