TTC#1 So hard!


Jan 16, 2017
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Hello all! I am 27 and my DH is 29. Trying for that lucky #1. We have. Even trying for aBout 6 months which I know isn't long compared to some! I just found out today that I am not ovulating. My doctor says this is very common in "women my age" but it's still so heart breaking to hear. Not a single woman in my family has EVER had a hard time getting pregnant. I have had 3 cousins, 2 sisters, and an AUNT who is 40 recently have a baby. They all were just happy accidents and I'm struggiling so hard. Dr suggested we start on clomid and progesterone in the next cycle. I'm just so heart broken and feel so alone in this. I need someine to talk to! The only TTC friend I have is 24 with severe PCOS and obesity who keeps telling me that it just might not be meant to happen. I really can't give up this soon :(
Hi there! I am 28 and my DH is 29. We have been TTC #1 for going on 7 months now. I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I have been having regular cycles. Just hoping it is taking my body some time to regulate after being on the pill for 11 years! Just wanted to let you know you are not alone!!
I just wanted to give you a bit of hope. We were TTC for over a year and found out at about the 9-10 month mark that I wasn't ovulating. I was devastated that we had a problem and that I couldn't get pregnant on my own and that we'd just wasted that much time. So we got referred to a fertility clinic at the public hospital. The doctor was useless and we were feeling over it.

So we went privately and at our first appointment walked out with a script for 50mg of Clomid and provera. The doctor gave us (on 1st September 2016) a 50% chance we'd be pregnant by Christmas. I took the medications but I didn't ovulate :( it sucked. So I went back on Provera and tried 100mg of Clomid. This time I ovulated but even though we had great timing, I got my period.

We decided to freeze some sperm to continue with IUI because my DH is in the military and was due to be deployed. At this stage we found out he had low motility (even though previous tests had been fine).

The next cycle, my husband was still home and I took 100mg of Clomid again and on Christmas Eve Eve I got my BFP. We were in the 50% and made it just before Christmas!

I'm now 12 weeks and have one very healthy, active baby.

Don't give up. Take as much time as you need to get your head around where things are. Your doctor is right that a lot of women have trouble conceiving, it's 1 in 5 couples where I live. Clomid has some side effects and provera isn't fun either but they are short lived side effects. I'm so thankful for Clomid for giving us our dream.
First of all, don't give up! Second, we're in the exact same boat! I am almost 24 and I have only been trying for 6 months as well. AND, I'm not ovulating (I have PCOS). AND, the women in my family are super, super fertile. My mom had her last baby just a couple years ago when she was 41. WHILE ON BIRTH CONTROL. It's really rough when you find out you are struggling to conceive, and I completely understand the impatience and the sadness.

I am on my first round of Clomid and tomorrow I get my blood drawn to see if I finally ovulated. I'm very lucky my OB doesn't play around. Not many will do a whole lot for you unless you've been TTC for a year.

Anyway, hit me up if you ever wanna chat! :thumbup:
Thank you ladies so much! I do feel lucky that my Dr was so quick to get me started. I really feel so strong most of the time but then I have my moments of being depressed. Today was my cousins baby shower and one of her SIL announced she was pregnant. I literally thought "just shoot me" Congratulations Sarah2211!! I am so happy for you! Share some of that good luck baby dust!!!!
I really feel so strong most of the time but then I have my moments of being depressed.

You are sooo not alone. It's an emotional rollercoaster! Especially when everyone else is popping out babies left and right! We're all in this together! ;)
Hi ladies, I really appreciate reading other people's stories. I am 26 and my DH is 31. We've been TTC for 13 months! I was diagnosed with PCOS as well and I feel at least the diagnosis is helping me through this journey.

I have been struggling these past few days because I have the urge to talk to someone about what I'm going through, but I feel there's no one in my circle of friends who can really understand. I'm supposed to go to a friend's house tomorrow where my closest friends will be gathering. I'm afraid the one organizing the event will announce she is pregnant because I feel I will have an emotional break-down...(again!). I'm trying my hardest to remain calm/grounded during this cycle and I'm really hoping this one is it for us...but at the same time I feel like I have to listen to the pessimist in me just in case it doesn't happen this month again.
Hey lovely! Hope you get your BFP soon! Don't give up! Lots of baby dust to you :dust:
Hi ladies, I really appreciate reading other people's stories. I am 26 and my DH is 31. We've been TTC for 13 months! I was diagnosed with PCOS as well and I feel at least the diagnosis is helping me through this journey.

I have been struggling these past few days because I have the urge to talk to someone about what I'm going through, but I feel there's no one in my circle of friends who can really understand. I'm supposed to go to a friend's house tomorrow where my closest friends will be gathering. I'm afraid the one organizing the event will announce she is pregnant because I feel I will have an emotional break-down...(again!). I'm trying my hardest to remain calm/grounded during this cycle and I'm really hoping this one is it for us...but at the same time I feel like I have to listen to the pessimist in me just in case it doesn't happen this month again.

Well if you need someone to talk to who can relate, PM me anytime! I have only been TTC less than a year but it's still pretty rough to be told you cannot conceive without some form of medical assistance. I hope a little Clomid is all we need! :dust:
I'm trying my hardest to remain calm/grounded during this cycle and I'm really hoping this one is it for us...but at the same time I feel like I have to listen to the pessimist in me just in case it doesn't happen this month again.

It's so hard I know! Praying for you to get your BFP! If you ever need to talk to someone message me!
I'm 29. Problem is as we age our body doesn't work as well as it should.
Its sad when I see other women (aged 39 or 33) who have only literally just got off the pill, get pregnant.

It makes me more desperate for a baby.
just adding to the many voices: yes it is frustrating and hard!! I was a bit shocked to read that your doctor said it is very common for women our age (I just turned 28) to not be ovulating - why is that? I thought you're pretty fertile under 35, especially if you're under 30? :S
I have longer than average cycles (40-55 days), so I'm worried something might be off. My temps seem to indicate ovulation but I'm not sure. The doctor said I could only go see them once we've been trying for well over 6 cycles and we're only on our 5th cycle now *sigh*
Fluffy cookie, my charts indicated I ovulated too but I didn't. My doctor said they're useless for women with PCOS. If you're in a hurry to get things moving, make your appointment now. I wish we'd gone sooner but I believed what my charts were saying and wasted over a year.
Fluffy cookie, my charts indicated I ovulated too but I didn't. My doctor said they're useless for women with PCOS. If you're in a hurry to get things moving, make your appointment now. I wish we'd gone sooner but I believed what my charts were saying and wasted over a year.

Thank you! I have spoken to a few other ladies here and will make an appointment with my gyn. She probably won't see me before July (long waiting times :( ) but at least I know someone will check up on things!

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