TTC #3 for 12 months


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Jul 31, 2011
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Hi Everyone!
So, I've been TTC #3 for about 12 months now with no success. I'm wondering what's going on and if anyone out there has some light they can shed on my situation.
#1 was conceived after about 6 months of trying, and my beautiful daughter was born. After getting my period back for 2 months after childbirth, I conceived again and had an early miscarriage. :( 3 months after that, we conceived and I gave birth to my wonderful son. I feel sooooo blessed to have them both (especially since the dr.'s gave us virtually no hope for conceiving naturally due to one not-so-good semen analysis).
Fast forward almost 2 years, and we've been TTC #3 for a good year now. I know how fortunate we are to have the two healthy children that we have, but I just don't feel "done".... I feel like our family is not complete. Ever since having our son 22 months ago, my periods have changed. For the first 6 months or so, they were quite painful. Not just cramping, but a shooting pain that felt like it went right through my cervix and became even more painful when having a BM during AF (tmi, I know - sorry!). When I asked my Ob-Gyn about it, he said that my uterus had probably just dropped a bit after childbirth.
That has pretty much subsided, but I do get pretty strong ovulation pain for about a day or so, which I never had prior to having my son. My DH and I have been timing intercourse perfectly for about a year now with no luck. (I know this b/c I monitor my CM and BD with my DH as soon as I see fertile CM. Ovulation pain and fertile CM occur simultaneously with positive OPK's, and my period arrives 14 days later, like clock work). My menstrual cycles do vary quite a bit (anywhere from 28-40 days), but my luteal phase is always 13-16 days long.
I guess my question is, what happened???? Why the sudden difficulty conceiving and painful ovulation?? I am currently on CD 9 and notice a bit of EWCM and have had strong ovuation pain on my right side all day. This is super early for me to be ovulating (especially given my tendency to have longer cycles), but all signs point to that. (I did BD with my DH, so fingers are crossed!)
My yearly visit to my ob-gyn is coming up next month, so I will most definitely bring all of this up to him, but wondering if any of you ladies have any answers??? Thank you so much! :)
My situation is different but it took me 13 months of ttc before I got my number 3! First LC was a one month job and 2nd was a two month job done and dusted!

I can't really comment on why it has taken a while this time for you but sometimes it just takes longer...... I the minute I gave up and stopped the monitoring I feel pg but it took me nearly a year to knock it on the head!

If you are worried you can easy speak to you ob-gyn or doctor they will be able to refer you for fertility analysis. xx
Hola soy nuevo en esto foro. Sin embargo, aquí está mi storie. Tengo dos semanas prgnant después de haber relaciones sexuales sin protección que era cuando yo tenía 16 años. Luego tuve la inyección de Depo después de que se le había de que una vez y luego tryed para el segundo, cuando mi hija tenía 4 meses de edad descubrí que estaba embarazada después de su primera cumpleaños, así que tomó ocho meses, tuve mi bebé sano cuando tenía 18 años. Ahora estoy almst 21 y mi marido y yo he estado tratando de bebé # 3 para más de un año,. Hablé con mi médico y le ordenó una prueba de tiroides y una parte de ella era baja. La enfermera dijo que estaba bien y que no debe afectar a mi abilty a concibian. entonces se tiene el dolor pélvico durante el coito y me dieron una ultrsound pélvica i obtener los resultados de la próxima semana, pero cuando yo estaba en mi oficina doc el doctor me llevó aparte y me dijo que mi tiroides era bajo y que podría ser la razón, i era taaan loco primo durante el mes pasado la señora dijo que estaba bien .. Dios mío, soo i Sawe mi médico de familia y que prueba de ordenarse un poco más y así puedo saber si necesito Viernes medicaltion throid. Estoy taaan perdido, i feeel tan frustrado al iniciar el período. i comenzado hoy mis ciclos r-31 32 días, y un reloj r, i ovuate. Mi marido hizo un análisis de los espermatozoides y su motilidad de los espermatozoides es de 34 y eso es bajo. así que sólo estoy taaan fristrated. No quiero que suene cuz greety Sé que algunas personas no pueden concibian un bebé, y aquí estoy, queriendo un tercero, pero siempre he querido una gran familia. Apenas no understamd cómo podemos tener 2kids y tienen problemas para taaan mucho tener la tercera rezo todos los días gracias a este bebé .!!!! para cualquier persona que lea esto !!!!

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