It's been 3 months since my miscarriage and it's been hard. My pregnancy was a surprise and it felt so natural and easy! I was so happy when I found out the news. I miscarried 17 weeks in which was hard emotionally and physically. Tracking my ovulating and dtd doesn't seem as magical after my loss. It's my first real cycle tracking and I am 11dpo with bfn. I didn't test positive until a week after my cycle last pregnancy so I wasn't expecting anything, but it's still disheartening. I know I should wait till I miss AF this Saturday, but It feels like everywhere I go someone has a newborn baby or an adorable bump reminding me of what I am missing.I get so jealous missing my last jelly bean and wanting my sticky baby to finally be here. I'm sort of taking it out on myself for not being able to concieve right away and it's making my DH upset as well. It feels so good to be on this forum and talk about my jealousy, impatience, and excitement for my first child to be conceived. Luckily I have been having all the signs I had my last pregnancy this week! Not sure if it's PMS or symptoms but wish me luck everyone! Any support or kind words would be so helpful for my heart. Also tell me what tests give you ladies the the fastest results!