I had acupuncture but I'm afraid I don't have a success story to share!
The reason I started it was because before we were TTC, the only thing that seemed to help regulate my periods was a Chinese herb called Dong Quai. So once we were TTC and having trouble, I thought acupuncture+herbs might help.
I do believe the acupuncture helped me with: better sleep, back pain, stress, digestive issues, cold hands and feet. But it did not help with my PCOS. I think this was in part due to miscommunication. I did tell him I had PCOS at the start so was really surprised when after about 4 or 5 months of treatment, he said he'd been thinking I had some other problem but now he realised it was a problem with ovulation. I was like, er yeah, I told you that at the start! To be fair English was not his first language so I would really recommend finding someone who you feel you can communicate well with.
Perhaps if you found someone who specialises in fertility acupuncture that would be better! The guy I saw was more like a GP who treated anything and everything. As I say, I definitely saw benefits, just not the ones I was looking for.
I've tried reflexology too and am considering going back to that. I fell pg naturally but miscarried at 10 weeks, then had 12 weeks of really random bleeding and no ovulation. I saw a reflexologist for a while and I don't know if it was coincidence or what, but I fell pregnant again 13 weeks after my loss. Sadly I miscarried again and have been trying ever since!
Good luck