Hi i wrote on another page i think it was introduce yourself section.
Well girlies im not due for another 9 days, ive been charting my cycle and im a bit confused with it but i think we got the timing right with my fertile period etc. I hope..anyway maybe because we want our 2nd baby soo much that im imagining my symptoms, but im really tired, getting dizzy spells and yesterday I had a few spots of brown blood. Today Ive cramps in my tummy and back..what do you think girls, thanks a mill, your all stars.xxx
Well girlies im not due for another 9 days, ive been charting my cycle and im a bit confused with it but i think we got the timing right with my fertile period etc. I hope..anyway maybe because we want our 2nd baby soo much that im imagining my symptoms, but im really tired, getting dizzy spells and yesterday I had a few spots of brown blood. Today Ive cramps in my tummy and back..what do you think girls, thanks a mill, your all stars.xxx