Hey there, MomInTraining!
I totally wish I could come forward with this awesome BFP story with herbal supplements. I hope soon, but I'm not there yet unfortunately. I've been mostly NTNP for the past 3-4 years, with some TTC every few cycles. I also have PCOS.
I've decided firmly this cycle that I would put everything into TTC as naturally as I could before seeking help. I've just been unsure the past few years, only occasionally checking BBT or taking herbs and teas. As we all know, herbs can take some time to reach full effect, so I can only blame myself for not consistently taking them.
This cycle I have started taking:
Evening Primrose Oil. For CM, only from end of AF to O.
Soy Isoflavones. These would need some research from you before trying. I did loads and thought I would give them a try. They are supposed to work similar to Clomid. Read
Geritol. It is just a multivitamin, but supposedly, there is a "baby in the bottom of every bottle." Doesn't hurt to try!
Herbal Baths. I take one every day, and I use Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, and I alternate between these scents: lavender/eucalyptus/chamomile. Read
this. I also put in some Epsom Salt and Baking Soda. I am magnesium deficient and magnesium helps me sooo much. Read this
Castor Oil Packs. I am doing this from end of AF to O. You aren't supposed to do it while on AF as it can increase blood flow. And not after O if you are TTC or could get pregnant. There is a link
here. If nothing else, these are suupeeer relaxing.
Massage. I am also attempting something similar to Maya Abdominal Massage. This should also be done from end of AF to O.
Here is a link with a video and information.
*Note that I was taking Vitex and it can help regulate cycles and hormones. I was taking it pretty inconsistently so I can't speak for how well it worked. I decided to not take it this month as it isn't supposed to be taken with Soy Isoflavones.
Here is a link for vitex. Also, Red Raspberry Leaf tea is AMAZING! It regulates hormones and helps my PMS, and is supposed to strengthen your uterine muscles. It also keeps my cycles more regular and I noticed that my AF started soon after taking it if I were super late (I have a quite few 50 - 80 day cycles under my belt). There is a link
here and
I hope this helps you start researching things you can do. Of course, I am not a doctor and you would probably need a specialist based in natural fertility if you would like a professional to give you guidance. I just thought some information could potentially help in getting you started! Let me know, I would love to keep each other updated on the process!