I see that I am a little late in replying to your post, but here is my experience for what it's worth.
I have been type 1 since I was 14, I am almost 24 now. Coming up quickly on ten years! I have never once not woken up to a low, not one time. My body automatically wakes me up. I may not be able to sit up, but I am awake. I always, always keep something next to the bed to eat or drink. Something to drink is easier, since it's less work that chewing, and when I'm feeling a little better I'll get up and eat.
I can understand the anxiety part, with my daughter it makes me worry more now than ever before. The good part is that it forces me to take care of myself. I'll "fall of the wagon" so to speak on occasion, where I just get sick of all the poking and monitoring everything. But it doesn't take very long of feeling like crap for me to jump back into things again. It really can get to be a pain in the ass, but it's just something you have to do. You don't really have a choice! It can get you down if you let it.
Your dose is pretty small, I take 25 units of lantus once a day, and around 8 of humalog with meals, give or take a few units depending on the number of carbs. Those numbers fluctuate considerably with pregnancy. As long as you stick to your diet the best you can, check for sores, and take any concerns to your doctor, you will do just fine. Find out as much as you can about it, it will ease your worry.
One thing that helped me out was when my doctor told me that its better to run a little high than low. It will do more damage in the long run if you keep consistently high numbers, but one bad low will have worse consequences short term. If you need to, eat a complex carb snack before bed, something like a peanut butter sandwich, to counteract a low. Candy or "simple" carbohydrates will raise your glucose level, and then drop you way down low, so avoid that. You can always take an extra unit or two of your short acting insulin in the morning if you are running a little high at your fasting blood sugar.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!