I'm dying to know the gender... We find out June 8. I'm going a bit nutty haha Please give me your best guesses! Both were abdominal ultrasounds, if that matters. 6 weeks and 10 weeks. Initially I felt it was a girl, but lately I've been having weird boy vibes... I don't know if it's paranoia, or if it's that it's actually a little boy in there! We were hoping for a girl, but the more I think about having a boy, I love the thought of that as well... (But please say girl! Haha)
***The 6 week pic is flipped for some reason, tilt your head to the left to see it the right way! (Bean is on "bottom left" of uterus in the pic)
***Pic from 10 weeks is in post below, couldn't get it to upload more than one at a time.
***The 6 week pic is flipped for some reason, tilt your head to the left to see it the right way! (Bean is on "bottom left" of uterus in the pic)
***Pic from 10 weeks is in post below, couldn't get it to upload more than one at a time.