well he had it like this before and thats what i thought because it lasted for a week or 2, but the Dr said he has broncholitis (not brinchitis) which has been caused bcos he has asthma and it was never picked up, in all honesty im not bothering with Drs unless i really need to. my main worry is that hes just had his jabs but the reason im worrying is..
He came down with cold so i had to put off his jabs till he was better, the following week he finally recovered but he normally starts with a cough in the last days of a cold so i thought id put his jabs off again another week, so took him on tuesday about 5 days after the cold went, literally 20 mins later, by the time i got home he was coughing and you could hear it then, surely this is too early for it to be caused by the jabs? and if he was coming down with it that morning, although he seemed fine, then he shouldnt have had his jabs, now im worried the jabs are gona have no effect and he will need to go back, im waiting for a Dr to call me although id rather speak to a nurse