Using only 1 side to breastfeed??


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
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I have been having major issues with my left breast... blocked ducts, mastitis and worst of all an excruciating cracked nipple that will not heal. I am honestly at the point of switching to formula, but am desperate to find a solution. I was just wondering if anyone has only used 1 breast to feed the baby? I will continue to pump my left side but actually only physically feed him on the right side. The research I have done says it is possible and it is exactly what the body does when feeding twins.

Thoughts and opinions on this??
Well, my son only ever feeds off one side, but I do alternate. As long as you are pumping the other side your body will adjust!

Did you get some APNO from your doc?
She did prescribe me APNO and today she prescribed another antibiotic and I meet with the lactation consultant on monday. I think for this weekend I am going to mostly pump from that side and feed from the right to see how it goes.
Your breasts will adapt to whatever and some people are successful with feeding on only one side. If that's what works for you I think it's fine.
Your breasts will adapt, but I think there has to be a solution to your problem that doesn't involve pumping that breast. Sounds like your babe has a poor latch on that breast. I am guessing it's a positioning issue. I experienced the same early on because for some reason I have trouble holding my daughter well to nurse on my right side. It's no problem for her anymore because she's self-latching now at her age, but I had to basically figure out a way to hold her which allowed her to latch well on that side (in my case, it involved a nursing pillow and/or side-lie nursing).
You might find that just a day or so of pumping is long enough to allow the cracks to heal and then you can return to feeding directly from that side too.

I had thrush which resulted in really cracked nipples, and my left side was so painful that I naturally ended up offering the right breast far more often and my supply quickly adapted to match the uneven demand. That became a problem when my right side became cracked and even more painful. I pumped from the right and fed as much as possible from the left for just a day and that was enough to help it settle down so we're now back to feeding evenly off both sides without pain.
I'm sorry, that sounds tough! I think it is possible to feed from just one side and your body will adjust but I agree with previous posters about checking latch and trying different positioning on that breast after you've started to heal up. Both of my boys would nurse in the cradle hold for my right breast but for my left breast I only seem to get a deep enough latch in the underarm 'rugby ball' hold - no idea why! I only found this out after several weeks of my left nipple being significantly more damaged than my right nipple the first time round and I wish somebody had suggested it to me much earlier.
Feed from the good side until you get that damn crack to heal. I know your pain, i have just over come dealing with nasty cracks in both of my nipples... the thought of that pain makes me shiver now... how horrible it is. Almost soul destroying...

Pump from the cracked nipple boob and store that milk and the ONLY thing that healed my cracks is the 'RiteAid hydrogel breast pads" they're like a medicated breast pad. They're amazing. There might be other brands as well but those medicated gel soothing breast pads are amazing.
It is totally possible!!!! I am currently nursing my 1-year-old solely with my right breast. I, too, had lots of issues with my left side, and found out that I actually have an inverted nipple and my LO just decided she was done with it around 2-3 months or so. I tried desperately, and continued to pump it after each feed and store the food (which didn't really matter because she never took a bottle), as well as offer it first for each feeding, but about a month ago I decided to stop trying at all on that side. She is a completely healthy baby, and I have ample amount from my one side alone.

The biggest problem...completely lopsided boobs!! UGH! Oh least she is healthy!
I heard of some culture where they only nurse from one breast. I can't remember if it was the left or the right, but it's consistent within the culture. If nursing from one side is what works for you, you could slowly wean your left breast from producing milk and then just have your right side lactating.

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