Hi Missy
My OH had varicocele embolization last September and his count has improved dramatically. We had no problems conceiving our DD who will be 3 in October, but after TTC#2 for over a year we finally got OH checked out (always assumed I was the problem as I have PCOS and don't ovulate very often).
His count before the surgery was:
Sperm per ml: less than 1million
Motility: 17%
Morphology: 3%
...so not good!
6 months post surgery his results were:
Sperm per ml: 43million (I think....it was something like that anyway!)
Motility: varies between 35 and 45%
I got pg 3 months after his surgery as well, although sadly mc'd at 11 weeks earlier this year, but OH's results show that surgery can have a dramatic positive effect. The main concern for us now is the motility, so OH is on a strict vitamin regime these days and we're keeping everything crossed.
Good luck!
Kate x