vegetarians.. and non-red meat eaters.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2008
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So, my mom asked me a question yesterday.. and im not sure what to do about it..
i was out buying the babe veggies, and she asked when i start Jordyn on meat... am i going to feed her red meat? She asks because i dont eat read meat, and i havent in 10 years. So its never even in my house, i have no idea how to cook it, and would much prefer to not have it around.. (it makes me really really sick)
So is there anyone who doesnt feed red meat, or meat at all to their babies?
I have an older brother who is a vegan.. and says when he and his lady have kids he'd love for them to be non-meat eaters.. I just dont knwo if its healthy to not feed a baby meat!?
I'm not going to feed my little girl meat.I think if you're sensible about it its not a problem as long as they have the protein and everything they need.
While a baby is still having formula/follow on milk then they dont actually need protein (thats what my health visitor told me anyway).But after that as long as your daughter is having lots of pulses/cheese/meat replacements (quorn etc.) then it shouldnt cause too many problems.And if youre going to give her white meat/fish then you shouldnt have a problem at all.Oh and red meat has a lot of iron too so you might need to substitute that with eggs,oily fish,etc.
When Ophelia (my daughter)is old enough to actually understand the difference between eating meat and eating other things,if she still wants to eat meat then thats her decision but while the choice is in my hands I'll keep her a veggie.
I know lots of kids who have been brought up vegetarian and its caused no problems x
I wont get to fussy on this topic but here it goes :) not here to start anything ...

I dont agree with parents not feeding there children red meat because of there personal choices in life , a baby needs protein and iron in there diets and should be allowed to try everything food wise , its not fair to deprive them of that choice , How ever once the child is old enough to understand WHY you wont eat meat then they can make there own choices but till then red meat is important ..while some foods do have iron and protein you would have to feed twice the amount and more to equal the normal amount in one pcs of red meat ..

This is just my Opinion Ive seen a vegan baby grow up and they were not as healthy as normally fed babies , there immune system was weak and they had iron and protein diffiency and had to be on meds because of it ..most doctors in canada are now starting to report parents who are doing this as its a form of neglect ALTHOUGH all countries are different the rule should be the same .
I'm currently debating with myself weather or not to become a vegetarian.. I love the taste of meat, but hate the idea of eating an animal. If I decide to make this decision, I want Josh to be sensible to this as well.


I agree with 1st_baby, a baby needs iron and needs a lot of protein and vitamins found in meat for his/her development. It is important they get a taste of everything too. You can feed your baby meat to start with and move onto meat replacements like tofu soybean etc as they get older.

xx Good luck !
I wont get to fussy on this topic but here it goes :) not here to start anything ...

I dont agree with parents not feeding there children red meat because of there personal choices in life , a baby needs protein and iron in there diets and should be allowed to try everything food wise , its not fair to deprive them of that choice , How ever once the child is old enough to understand WHY you wont eat meat then they can make there own choices but till then red meat is important ..while some foods do have iron and protein you would have to feed twice the amount and more to equal the normal amount in one pcs of red meat ..

This is just my Opinion Ive seen a vegan baby grow up and they were not as healthy as normally fed babies , there immune system was weak and they had iron and protein diffiency and had to be on meds because of it ..most doctors in canada are now starting to report parents who are doing this as its a form of neglect ALTHOUGH all countries are different the rule should be the same .

I agree i wouldnt stop Riley from eating meat if i was veggie because thats not his choice i dont think its fair to make that choice for them
I am a vegetarian and have been since the age of 9...(out of choice)...and i give my son meat. My parents gave it me as i grew up so i would get all the essential protein/vitamins etc and also so i get a chance to taste it (mum is vegetarian and dads a met eater)...however i made my own decision not to eat it, where as a few of my family members decided to continue eating meat. I always knew i would give my son meat as i think the amount of vitamin/protein and iron in it is essential and also i like my son to try a variety of things, if he decides to become a vegetarian when he is older then that will be out of his own choice...if he decides to eat meat then thats fine also :)
I also don't have a clue how to cook chicken...i am currently in the process of learning...(as iv asked in the weaning section) x
i have niver really thought of this topic because i was brought up to eat almost anything because my dad is chinese and he beleives we should not be affraid to eat something .. so i will let my baby have meat and if he grows up and decides himself he doesnt want to eat meat then thats fine i am not going to force him to eat meat :D but its your choice i wouldnt just give your baby meat beacuse what everyone else thinks its really up to you:hugs:
I wont get to fussy on this topic but here it goes :) not here to start anything ...

I dont agree with parents not feeding there children red meat because of there personal choices in life , a baby needs protein and iron in there diets and should be allowed to try everything food wise , its not fair to deprive them of that choice , How ever once the child is old enough to understand WHY you wont eat meat then they can make there own choices but till then red meat is important ..while some foods do have iron and protein you would have to feed twice the amount and more to equal the normal amount in one pcs of red meat ..

This is just my Opinion Ive seen a vegan baby grow up and they were not as healthy as normally fed babies , there immune system was weak and they had iron and protein diffiency and had to be on meds because of it ..most doctors in canada are now starting to report parents who are doing this as its a form of neglect ALTHOUGH all countries are different the rule should be the same .

Actually it is a misconception that children need meat to grow up healthily. Meat can be substituted with other protein and iron-rich foods such as cheese, pulses, tofu, green veg like broccoli and cereals like bran flakes. It is a large responsibility to take on - raising a child vegetarian - because it does mean you need to think long and hard about what your child is going to eat each day and where they are going to get their daily nutritional needs from.

I am a vegetarian and I will be 'raising' Anna in the same way. This is to say that I will not give her meat. It is NOT to say I am MAKING her be a vegetarian or forcing this view or lifestyle on to her. Like you say, when she is old enough she can make the decision for herself whether she would like to eat meat or not.

I will not be giving Anna meat because we do not have it in our house. I will be feeding her responsibly and giving her all that she needs and I resent anyone telling me I am depriving my daughter of anything that she needs. I would NEVER be so selfish. I am a vegetarian for my own reasons - I am an animal lover and seeing dead animals is very distressing and upsetting for me, but if Anna NEEDED meat like many believe then I would offer it to her on a plate every day, but the fact is that I can give her all the nutrients that she needs in alternative foods, and I will do - every day.

I agree i wouldnt stop Riley from eating meat if i was veggie because thats not his choice i dont think its fair to make that choice for them

What about the choice NOT to eat meat? It is only because vegetarianism is the minority in this culture that it is seen as imposing something onto a child if you raise them this way - on the other side of the fence (as a vegetarian) when you give your child meat it may look as though you are removing your child the CHOICE of whether they want to eat meat or not - it is a bit late if they decide to be a vegetarian later in life if they have already been eating meat their whole life! ... This is not what I see it as, this is just me saying what you have said, the other way around if you get me.

In my opinion every parent has the right to feed their child according to their household norm and their beliefs, so long as their child is fed healthily and gets what they need! It is NOT neglect if you make sure you child gets what they need. I have spoken to dietary consultants and done my own research the nutritional value of red meat is overrated and it is more than possible to gain the necessary nutrients from a vast variety of food alternatives.

Now, I actually believe that this post (1st_baby's) was out of order (although maybe just misinformed?) but I do not think anyone should take it upon themselves to go out and tell another parent how to raise their child or what to feed them. I would NEVER go up to a bottle feeding mum and say, "factually your child would benefit nutritionally from drinking breast milk you are NEGLECTING your child by not offering them it." (just an analogy - please don't read anything into this I could not think of any other analogy to show what I mean and I believe that statement if ever spoken would be VERY wrong - that is why it was used here - to demonstrate my point). It is all down to CHOICE and if your child is fed, healthy and being given the necessary nutrients then GREAT! It is none of anyone else's business what they are being fed, as long as they ARE being fed.

I choose not to give Anna meat, because eating meat is against our beliefs, I do, naturally, take it upon myself, though to ensure that she is getting the necessary iron / protein etc from alternative food sources and believe me she DOES get all that she needs - I make sure of that. You should never assume that because a child is not being given meat, they are not being given a responsible diet with all that they need in it.

When Anna is old enough to CHOOSE what she wants to eat, she can have whatever she wants. While it is up to me, I will be feeding her a healthy, balanced, nutritional, vegetarian diet. :D
I am a vegetarian and have been since the age of 9...(out of choice)...and i give my son meat. My parents gave it me as i grew up so i would get all the essential protein/vitamins etc and also so i get a chance to taste it (mum is vegetarian and dads a met eater)...however i made my own decision not to eat it, where as a few of my family members decided to continue eating meat. I always knew i would give my son meat as i think the amount of vitamin/protein and iron in it is essential and also i like my son to try a variety of things, if he decides to become a vegetarian when he is older then that will be out of his own choice...if he decides to eat meat then thats fine also :)
I also don't have a clue how to cook chicken...i am currently in the process of learning...(as iv asked in the weaning section) x

oh, lol that's why you asked haha makes more sense!!!
hmm, I have actually never even thought of it before, actually I think the first meat I tried Alexa on was red meat-roast beef (she hated it btw) But it's probably a question best left to ask your family doctor- I know red meat will likely be important in Alexa's diet, mainly because anaemia seems to run in my family, but I suppose the needs of each child is different. :hug:
Tasha what I meant was not to be taken as an insult to anyone , I do agree that some other foods may also be the same as red meat but then again not every parent is aware and well researched in this area as you are ,. not every mother is going to take the time to research what foods are the same ..

The only reason I get touchy on this subject is I used to be a vegetarian myself after watching many horrific videos from PETA I stopped eating anything animal related for 5 years until it dawned on me that since the day humans were alive we ate animals NOW yes I will agree that the way they are killed is not in anyway nice but if we were to pet and say sorry to every animal for eating them the world would be out of food fast enough ..ok Ive gone far enough Im not here to hijack this thread im done now lol I cant go on as I will start getting very frisky sorry if offended anyone .
Chloe is a vegetarian and both mw and hv said its not a problem.

The biggest problem I have encountered so far is the fact that a lot of baby formula isnt suitable for vegetarians.
Thank you Tasha!Thats exactly what I was trying to say.People who dont understand a veggie diet is just as healthy if not healthier than a meat eaters diet infuriate me!But I will leave it at that,I dont want to create a full-scale war xx
Can I just remind people this is not a debate about whether eating meat is wrong or being vegetarian is better (morally) it was a question of health.

My say on that was that a vegetarian diet can be just as healthy and do not abandon your views to the misconception that you will be depriving your child of nutrition that they need - you won't be doing any thing wrong by raising your child as a vegetarian until they are old enough to decide for themselves.

1st_baby: How is any of this relevant to this thread?

1st_baby said:
since the day humans were alive we ate animals NOW yes I will agree that the way they are killed is not in anyway nice but if we were to pet and say sorry to every animal for eating them the world would be out of food fast enough.

The original poster asked if there would be any harm in not giving her child red meat because it makes her very ill and she would rather not if possible - the answer should simply have been yes it is possible to provide the nutrients in alternative ways. Your first post on this thread was not at all helpful it was a) misinformed and b) well, rude!

Whether the economy or farm industry would survive (or whether we would have enough to eat) if the world went vegetarian is not at all relevant here!
Chloe is a vegetarian and both mw and hv said its not a problem.

The biggest problem I have encountered so far is the fact that a lot of baby formula isnt suitable for vegetarians.

Have you heard of Hipp Organic? They use milk from organic cows who have been fed on grass only! They are not fed any chemicals or medicines like antibiotics (non organic cows are routinely fed antibiotics due their keeping conditions causing mastitis and other infections) or any growth hormones or artificial feed. The cows are looked after humanely and there is no puss or blood (sorry if this is gory) in organic milk, as there is in non-organic. They meet the standards (both in general care of the animals and in their milking methods etc) of the vegetarian society and you can hold a good conscience that there is no animal rennet in the milk and the cows have been well looked after in providing your child's milk :D
thanks for that tasha will certainly look at that. Also, if I should need to, may I pick your brains about Diet and the best way to ensure Chloe gets the right diet?
You certainly may!

You may find this website useful ;)

In particular if it is iron that you are worried about, this chart shows you good sources:

Or if it is protein (the two main concerns about a vegetarian lifestyle):

This is a brilliant website imo and very helpful if you're not too sure what foods have what and where to get all that your child (and you!) need for a healthy veggie diet :D
thanks i will look at those. I'm worried as I am iron and B12 deficient (not diet related) but I want to do all I can to make sure Chloe doesnt go down the same road
thanks i will look at those. I'm worried as I am iron and B12 deficient (not diet related) but I want to do all I can to make sure Chloe doesnt go down the same road

Snap! However like you say - that is not diet related. In my case, my consultant said that my body has an inability / is inefficient at converting iron to haemoglobin. So no matter how much iron or "red meat" I consumed it would make no difference - heck, drinking liquid iron suspension and taking the max amount of iron medication made NO difference (I had to have blood transfusions to top me up and we are hoping that from now on my body will be more efficient at converting the iron into haemoglobin, which so far it is doing a good job)! So do not think that you should be giving your child red meat to prevent this - as it would not work anyway - if Chloe is going to develop this genetic / physical deficiency then this would not be because of her diet lacking iron but because of her body failing to make use of that iron. Sadly there is nothing you can really do about that - it is just a case of giving her iron-rich foods and hoping for the best. Regardless, red meat is no more rich in iron than many vegetarian alternatives. So in no way would you have to give her meat to prevent iron deficiency in your daughter. Wait and see how things go, if she seems to have symptoms of anaemia then take her to your doctor just to be sure all is okay. Best of luck - I hope that she has her Daddy's red blood cells instead of mummy's (no offence!) lol x

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