Hi everyone! I'm new here and looking for more information/ success stories from ladies with low AMH. I'm 29, been TTC for exactly one year, and found out last week that my AMH is .26. All other tests were normal. My cycles are very regular, between 26-29 days. I get a positive OPK every month on days 13-15 and my BBT always rises after ovulation. I'm very frustrated, but still VERY optimistic and hopeful. I have two consultation appts with two RE's this week. Any positive advice would be so much appreciated!
Hi all, first of all, my heart goes to all of you with the AMH, but NEVER give up.
I had my AMH tested when I found out I had a large dermoid cyst. It came back : 0.6. And guess how old I am? I'm 25!! Bloody 25 and going through menopause? The doc said there's still hope if I want a baby one day but it'd better be QUICK . and I recently had a divorce and I'm SINGLE.
I gave up hope. They told me to do FSH test but I was too scared and I didn't do. No wonder I never conceived while I was still married - my poor, very poor, ovarian reserve was to blame!
I had my laparoscopy to remove my dermoid cyst. I saw the pictures and they stripped out even MORE eggs that stuck to my cyst. Gosh, could they just take the whole thing out while they're at it??
And then the nurse said, let me take your AMH blood test again after the surgery.
It came back today: 36.3.
And I did my FSH which was 4 something
Miracle happens. I don't know whether the 0.6 was an error or because of my dermoid cyst, or whatever. But girls, check whether you do have cyst, get off ur BCP, and take multivitamins.
Hope it gives you hope