Waiting to Try - why you should???


Real life mummy
Mar 21, 2010
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Hi All

theres so much conflicting information - lots of bumpers have said their drs tell them to go for it and try again straight away, or try the next cycle, theres no reason not to, and then i go and read something on the interweb that makes me worry

I have just read this:

Pregnancy after miscarriage

I am often asked the question "How soon should I get pregnant after a miscarriage?" My answer is that you should wait at least three full months. There is scientific evidence that shows that if you conceive again too quickly that you are much more likely to miscarry again or to have a problem with your child. There are at least two different reasons for this. The first is that the closer the pregnancies, the more likely you are to still have the adverse conditions in your or your partner's body that caused the miscarriage. The second reason is that during a pregnancy, cells of the embryo pass into the woman's body. These embryonic cells can still be detected some months after a pregnancy and they are likely to contribute to an immune rejection response if the next pregnancy is too soon.

from here:


Does anyone know anything about the bit in italics? Are there studies that suggest that getting pregnant within 3 cycles has a higher or lower or the same risk of mc?

I haven't heard that before

thats interesting to read...although i havent heard it before. i was told wait one af and then its fine x
I think the main reason to wait is to feel ready. Most sites say there is no added risk of a further miscarriage. I was gonna try straight away but am now waiting til Aug to feel emotionally and physically ready. x
Thanks girls, I cant find anything else about it, but google is so crammed with results thats its hard to sift through all the forum topics that searches bring up

Im finding a lot of sites that say risk is increased if you dont wait at least a month, and some say up to 3 months, vs a lot of sites that say nothing at all about increased risk or that theres no increased risk

I dont think any of them know what they are talking about. Theres so many conflicting studies. I think they just choose a study and quote it

Glad youve made your decisions mlyn
I mc at 6 weeks the nurse at EPAU told me to wait two full cycles as the endometrial lining needed time to build up again after a mc and this will give the best chance of a successful subsequent pregnancy

My doc told me to wait one cycle and he said it was purely for the fact of working out dates if became pregnant again. One of my friends got pregnant straight after miscarriage before her period and they couldn't work out when exactly how many weeks they are.

I think you know your best when you are ready hun, I am going to wait I think for a couple of months only purely because miscarried in Jan and only stopped bleeding yesterday.

Lots of love to you xxx
I was told one af by hospital, GP suggested two to get myself emotionally and physically stronger. Seemed like blinkin ages at the time. However, after the first AF, I really didn't feel emotionally ready, was still very raw. The weeks have flown by, is it really two months on? - it must be as second AF has shown up. Now I do feel ready, apprehensive yes, scared as hell, but also excited at the prospect of maybe getting preggers again, that is a recent feeling, but it proves that now is the right time for me. Don't get me wrong, I still grieve for my lost little one- had a good cry last weekend, I don't think I will ever really get over it, but I do feel a heck of a lot more positive.
I have heard that there is a slightly increased risk of reoccurence if you TTC straight away, need lining build up etc, don't know how true that is. At the end of the day, it is up to the individual. For me personally, I feel waiting has given me the best chance and God forbid it happened again at least I can rule out TTC too soon as a possible contributing factor.
I've heard that the further along you were in the pregnancy means you need to wait longer but I was reading about ttc after a termination for medical reasons so not sure if that's the same thing?
Its so confusing when you read all these different opinions of when to start trying again!
Im starting to attach more weight to this uterine lining thing, ive seen it posted on here that if its not thick enough, the embryo wont implant anyway so i choose to believe that as i wanted to TTC... but im starting to think it can implant and then the ability to carry full term could be slightly compromised.

I think it matters more if youve had a ERPC, but i saw something online last night, and cant for the life of me find it, that implied it was possible to miscarry if the lining wasnt thick enough - its so damned well confusing.

I dont want to miss my apparent being more fertile window, but dont want to risk mc if there might be a higher chance if i dont wait.

After my first MC the doctor at St Mary's hospital in Paddington (they are one of the primary leaders in PCOS research) where they were cycle monitoring me said that there was no reason why if I felt emotionally ready to try again I shouldn't physically, as my womb lining at my scan to see that everything had gone, was at the correct measurement as per the beginning of a cycle.

As far as being able to date correctly, at my first scan 6weeks 6 days, they were able to pinpoint it exactly to the measurements of the embryo, and seeing as we had monitored ovulation (they scanned my ovaries before/after ovulation and they could see the corpeus luteum which I understand is the space left where the egg was).

I think given the choice (and I ain't got one because of my age really!), I would probably leave it a few months, not for the physical side per se, but more to build up some reserves to get you through the really anxious 2nd time. I was a nervous wreck, and everyday felt like months waiting for the next scan. Sadly the innocence and enjoyment of being newly pregnant again went for me, every twinge was a loss, every toilet visit a microscopic check of pants and paper!

So for me it's last chance saloon this year, so I figure I've got about 9 cycles left and we need to crack on.... unfortunately it does mean I'm probably not emotionally ready but I know that having been through it twice I will survive again.

I think you will know in your heart when you're ready... how does your OH feel? Would you like to have a break if you could, or is the thought of getting pregnant again, keeping you focussed on getting through it.

As far as this fertile window after mc goes.... are there any confirmed studies on that? Although having said that I have been getting my 'bloodhound heightened sense of smell' in the last few days, which has always been the first symptom for me... so fingers crossed.... it just might be true!
Hi money money

youre waiting for your first af arent you? is your bloodhound smell indication of ovulation or af <thickface>

I just spoke to my sister, and she is fertility expert and actual nurse, and she said that the fertile window is 'up to 6 months'

i also asked her about the damned wait or try, and she just said get on with it woman, youre 39 in 2 months. The aspirin helps with uterine lining and implantation as well as ovary stimulation, but i swear, my wait for af is goingt o be long, i have a feeling. I have tested positive for 13 days running on opk, and apparently that means im not ovulating and the repeated LH production is trying to kick start ovulation. Normally, when i ovulate, i get sore boobs literally the next day, and im on 21 and have unusually unpainful boobs. Im in for a looooong wait dagnamit.

Im ready now i think Mone, i just wanna get started again. I was dithering about the wait, and need to know if it will increase my chances of mc, but no one bloody well knows so am gonna try as soon as i have af out of the way

also, my sister said that her IVF dr advised her to drink a liter of milk a day from af to create a healthier egg - right sort of protein or somert. I hate milk as well but am gonna do that. Might post that on my obsessive thread to tell the other obsessives too.

Great news about your lining (bet no ones every congratulated you on your uterine lining before) - Im going to be stalking whilst you wearing my cheerleaders outfit
hey nato... yeah waiting for the first AF, seems like it's been bloody ages, I'm counting day 1 as when the mc bleeding stopped (I'm thinking that's right eh?), so roughly 28 days will be next Thursday, which would mean I ovulated at the right time, it was like an egg white omellette fest and I thought blimey, better get cracking...(scuse the pun) and for a couple of days now I've been able to smell things really strongly. That along with the most incredible wind (and not the good kind) is usually my first symptom.

Having said that this morning I thought af felt like it was on it's way..... I get the most bloody awful PMT, and woke up feeling a well moody mare, so maybe i'm just becoming pychosamatic..... we'll have to put our pom pom's away this month i think.

I kind of agree with your sister hun (and she sounds like she knows what she's talking about), if you feel you want to, then do..... i don't think anyone really knows whether it increases the chances again.... but 39 (nearly!) is still very young as far as i'm concerned, so I would try not to panic too much.

Now i'm liking the sound of the fertile 6 months and the milk which I love and have at least a pint of a day anyway, but a litre.... holy moly that's a lot. still willing to give it a go.

and yeah my uterine lining rocks. just wish it would hurry up and shed!

what if i dont want to put my pom poms down. i will have to carry them round with me till we get some af action.

I hadnt been counting last day of bleed at day 1 of cycle, but that makes sense. which makes me only at Day 14, and ive been cramping and spotting for about 16 hours but i dont normally get ov cramps / spotting, so i have no idea whats going on

snarf at the cracking. nice one money. I tell ya what though, taking milk thistle helps with PMT, but it takes about 3-5 months to start working. Worth it when it does though.

Any more af symptoms today? doesnt the witch know we are waiting? shes being coy.
I'm pretty sure I remember the dr saying count Day 1 as last day of bleed as we would with first day of period for normal cycle. It correlated perfectly with my first mc, I had 2 periods in between and they were both perfect 28 days cycles (with have to go back and look in my diary), which I remember feeling pleased about as my cycles have always ranged from 28 up to 36 with the PCO and it seemed to regulate them.

If I count day 1 of the mc as first day then I am day 29 today and better get down superdrug sharpish at lunch to stock up..... pom pom's flying in my wake. although the fact that I could only find one all star sneaker this morning, despite emptying the contents of our wardrobe, ranting and raving for 15 minutes, blaming the OH (who was sleeping soundly), that he had clearly lost it for me and left with a slam of the door and no kiss goodbye.... methinks AF is clearly on it's way. note to self: get some milk thistle

ok now you missy.... if you are on Day 14 then the cramping could be ov pain (do you normally get it?), it's like a mild stitch very deep on either side very distinctive from period cramping, and then I get a kind of 'flicking' feeling. Have you OPK'd? not sure why you would be spotting, maybe one of the clever girls on here would know? are your cycles usually regular?

ooh yeah just read on another thread re Mr Rai at St Mary's, that's where I have been cycle monitored and scanned. but they have said i have to have 3! .... goddadamit!

ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. god i need a cig.
imo, in the case of Doctor versus the Interwebz.... doctor wins!

my doc just put me on clomid and glucophage, the internet says glucophage shouldn't
be taken by women who try to get pregnant.... riiiiight... NOT
I would certainly agree with the thin uterine lining problem, m/cd in Dec, jan and feb, the m/c in Feb was accompanied by very light bleeding not like the previous two, I think I possibly m/cd because the lining was too thin. Hoping this month works!
so sorry to hear that fi, youve had a terrible time. I hope youre recovering.

sorry to ask, but were they natural or D&C? what does your dr say? are you trying again in April or May? were your cycles back to normal when you conceived? sorry again for your 3 losses my lovely

boo at 3 cycles mone - but you are defo best to follow their advice - but not sure why they are asking you to wait if your lining was measured as was ok? (dont throw your shoe at me.)

lets hope BadMoodMone is no 1 of 3 arriving

I dont normally get ov pain no, and it was cramping, like period cramping, no actual spotting in retrospect, more pinky brown cm. Cramping stopped today and I just did an opk and got my first negative. Im so proud.
Hi girls...interesting thread, i didn't know any of that stuff about thin lining. I miscarried in October (natural) and the dr said there was no reason not to try straight away. My GP said to wait for 1 cycle, and that is what we did. I'm now 16+2 and hope that all of you ladies who want to be are blessed soon.:dust:
so sorry to hear that fi, youve had a terrible time. I hope youre recovering.

sorry to ask, but were they natural or D&C? what does your dr say? are you trying again in April or May? were your cycles back to normal when you conceived? sorry again for your 3 losses my lovely

All natural m/cs, more like chemical pregnancies I guess. The first one was seen on U/S I had for gynae appt, got to 4w4d, the next got to 4w6d and the most recent was 5w2d. Doctors have been useless, I've been told it's ok to keep trying without a break, to take one month off or to take 3 months off. The last one we decided we would take a month off to recover and have started trying again this month. My cycles have been a bit of a mess since finishing treatment for endo (menopause injections- finished them then started ttc), so I'm not so sure what my cycle is doing! I don't even know when AF is due!!! Last month (month off ttc) I had a 33 day cycle but that was counting day 1 of m/c as day 1 of cycle, if we count from the end of m/c bleed then cycle would be 29 days, which is more like my normal cycle. Argh!!!

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