I had my LO 3 years ago she was a big baby at 9lbs and was back it back, I pushed for 2 hours and was taken to theatre for attempted forceps delivery and if that didn't work a c section. The forceps worked but I have still not physically recovered 3 years on. My stitches split open 10 days PP and then the open wound got infected twice, they wouldn't restich me and I was left to heal naturally, the wound has never properly healed and I have still got an extra opening down there. My scar tissue has been causing me discomfort as this pregnancy has progressed and somedays feel like it will open fully with the pressure, I also suffered a prolapsed womb. I am concerned that my scar tissue will just split open again if I attempt a natural birth and because of the size of this baby measuring above 90th percentile that it will end the same way. Do you think the comsultant is likely to support my decision for planned c section this time, my appointment is Friday at 36 weeks.