Waters went yesterday at 30+1!


Nov 23, 2010
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Glad I said hi last week now...... Baby 4 looks set to be even earlier than the others. Waters went at around 1:30pm yesterday and after monitoring etc I've been put on the ward awaiting developments.
VERY luckily I had steroid injections Monday and yesterday both at 10am (a precaution after dd2 arrived at 32 weeks) so we're covered from that angle.

Any positive 30weeker stories welcome!
Fingers crossed everything will be ok Jugs!!
Theres a few 30 weekers on here, mines a bit earlier(27+4 but shes still doing grand) xxxx
Mine went at the same Jugs. No contractions though so managed to hold on a couple of weeks. (then got eclampsia, not related to waters breaking). Think getting the steroids is a very good thing though.

They didn't think Gaby grew at all from when my waters broke and she was a very respectable 4 and a bit lbs. She had to have anti-biotics as a precaution because my waters had been broken so long and it took her an eternity to learn to feed (quite unusual I think) but appart from that she was perfect. And is now a perfect, if a little small, 9 month old.

Good Luck xxx
Mine were 31 weekers & had a few breathing issues but are absolutely fine now! You've had your steroid jabs much earlier than we did (my second was given an hour before they were delivered) so hopefully they will have had more time to work!

Good luck & hope you can hang on for a bit longer xx
Mine was earlier - 27 weeks - but doing great. Hope all is ok - keep us posted!

Thinking of you xxx
Hi hun, Sam was delivered at 30 + 5 and he is fine - you'd never know he was prem now at 16 months. he was 3lbs 4, and was in hospital for a little over 6 weeks. if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I had my twin girls at 29 weeks and 6 days! They were born screaming and only needed ventilation while they were transferred as the hospital were born in didnt have room. Chloe had cpap for 1 day and Jaycee for 3 days. They came home at 33+6! Only spent 4 weeks in NNU!
They are going to be 2 in under 2 months! Jaycee has to use an inhaler come winter because sometimes she struggles and they both have been on a course of antibiotics already but I class that as normal because most babies get poorly through winter.
They moved up in nursery with all the children their age and not the children a few months younger and they are very happy little girls.

Here is them on Tuesday playing in the snow :flower::flower:


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My firstborn was delivered by section at 29 weeks weighing 2lbs 5ozs...on the smallish side due to IUGR caused by PET.

I had one steriod shot the night before she was born, and one only 3 hours before they whipped her out, she came out screaming and only needed ventilating for a few hours as she wore herself out crying.

After 7 weeks in NICU/SCBU, she came home, she will be 5 this coming christmas day, and other than asthma, which only bothers her in the winter (cold air, and when the central heating is on of a night) she is absolutely fine and has no other long term health issues.

She had a check at school the other day, and although she is 'skinnyish', on the 50th percentile...her height is sitting on the 98th percentile, she has no developmental issues at school.

Good luck :flower:
Abby was a 29 weeker. Came along at a whopping 3lbs 7oz. I'd had the steroids at 26 weeks and I think she'd been doing some weightlifting in there to bulk up!

NNICU stay was only 6 weeks, minimal care needed, just had to grow and learn to eat.

She's doing well now. As far as we know there are no long term effects to her coming early. She has a couple of wee issues but nothing that can be definitely linked to prematurity.

Fingers crossed (and legs crossed!!!) your LO holds on for as long as possible. Every extra day is a bonus.
Thank you so much :) well after I developed a horrible infection and got v poorly then she got it and got distressed, she was delivered by emergency section on Thursday 2nd dec at 9:26am bang on 3lb at30+3!!!!

She's doing well had to be put on a ventilator whilst she fights the infection bit she came out screaming! Hoping to come off the ventilator tomorrow and she's taking expressed milk well :)

Honor Bobbie
Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous little girl. Xx
Awww congrats Jugs!!!! We're always here with advice hun!
Congratulations on the birth of your lovely little girl, I hope you are healing well :flower:
Thanks girls. Baby blues have hit me tonight and I'm having a bad one :( I'm still in the hospital and poor dh is at home. I don't want him to hear me upset and my sister is out so I can't ring her. I'm angry with my friends as not one has visited cos I don't have a baby with me for them to fawn over, apparently they'll visit when she's home and settled. Hell no they won't lol, I'm missing my kids, I've not heard from them or seen them since Tuesday cos it's easier on them to just be with their dad and not moved from pillar to post. And I can't even tough my baby girl let alone cuddle or feed her. I know things get better, it's just these bloody hormones making things a million times worse :(

Sorry just had to vent!
:hugs: it must be so difficult having kids at home as well so vent away that's what these boards are for.

Sorry to hear your friends haven't been supportive. Not many people know what to do for the best and they may think you don't want anyone around.

Hopefully it won't be much longer until you get a cuddle.

Also hope you won't be in hospital much longer either. I had been in for a month when I gave birth and as soon as my IV antibiotics had finished I was begging for them to let me out. They only done it on the basis I came in every other day for a week for them to take blood which wasn't a problem as the Nicu was in the floor below.

Hey Jugs,

Awww sweetie, you are going to feel up and down, it is completely normal, but please don't hide it from your hubby, let him know how you are feeling so he can support you as much as possible, remember he is going through this whole thing with you, and you will most likely find he feels the same but is trying to hold out and be strong for you.

As for friends visiting, most of them don't know what to say to the parent's of a preemie, as sad as it is the whole situation makes them uncomfortable.

As soon as Honor is ready for it they will encourage you to do lots of kangaroo cuddles, and those first cuddles are so very precious and really do make things seem much better, even if only for a short while, hang in there and keep strong...this is a great site for support and advice :hugs:
Congratulations on your little girl hun.
Its hard having a baby in NNU and wanting people to come and see you. They never knew what to say and it was hard.
I didnt get congratulations cards for at least a week after their birth and they said they didnt know whether to send one. Its hard to feel on a level with anyone who hasnt experienced what you have. I do hope that you start to feel better hun.
Your baby is lovely, you need to be strong for her and you need your OH even if you dont want him to see you cry.
Thanks girls. Baby blues have hit me tonight and I'm having a bad one :( I'm still in the hospital and poor dh is at home. I don't want him to hear me upset and my sister is out so I can't ring her. I'm angry with my friends as not one has visited cos I don't have a baby with me for them to fawn over, apparently they'll visit when she's home and settled. Hell no they won't lol, I'm missing my kids, I've not heard from them or seen them since Tuesday cos it's easier on them to just be with their dad and not moved from pillar to post. And I can't even tough my baby girl let alone cuddle or feed her. I know things get better, it's just these bloody hormones making things a million times worse :(

Sorry just had to vent!

Ahh, don't you just love "day three" It hit me on day four and was horriffic.

Your friends who won't visit are no friends at all. Bin 'em!

I would also suggest your children come in to visit, they'll be missing you too!

Big congratulations, Honor is beautiful and what a whopper!

Keep us informed of her progress and feel free to come and vent and boast and cry and laugh along with the rest of us. We all know exactly what you are going through (and you won't meet many of those in the baby groups!!) :hugs:

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