Oh hun Im sorry! I was like you. It was my decision to split but whoevers decision it is its still super hard.
Your a bit like me.. Me and the twins dad knew it was over for ages before they came but we hung on. He loved me, I know he did but I didnt love him! I kept him there just because it was easier that way!
I was like that though, not sure what being single was like and your scared of the unknown but if you look there is a post a bit further down about enjoying the kids and all that they do being on your own and its true. its actually nice and I intend to stay single for a while before moving on to someone else.
Its hard espcially when you have been together so long. Its not easy but we are all here if you need to chat or rant or if your upset!! We all have been there but it does get easier I promise.. I havent shed a tear in weeks now. I am so happy I did what I did xx