What do people say about your C section decision? Are most judgemental or supportive?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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I am thinking of getting one as the last two times my cervix dilated but didnt efface properly resulting in an anterior lip that made babies get stuck for two hours, episiotomy, and forceps and ventouse. Nasty. The second birth was touch and go for an EMCS, the doctor and midwife were having a frantic argument and in the end my midwife won and baby was pulled out with metal vaccuum cup.

This time I am having twins and just so worried about the cervix thing happening again. Im pretty sure ill get a c section but my MIL and Mum both think Im nuts and say the recovery will be awful etc etc.... Also Im dreading telling my MW my decision! Shes not gonna like it one bit.

Anyone else finding people chipping in with their horror stories and advice and opinions?

I kinda feel like I am justifying a C section to myself and others constantly, is my reasons enough to make a C section the best choice?
I think with you history, and I saw the pic of you baby from the vaccuum, I would go for the c section. Its not just one baby but two. Plus you may be breech which is possible to deliver but I say why chance it. Schedule the c section and just have safe healthy babies. And who cares what your mum and midwife think. They are not the ones on the table. and unless they have had one of each how are they to determine if one is better than the other. They are just guessing at this point.

I have had two emergency c sections and the recovery wasn't that bad. Yes it hurt but so does an episiotomy. The recovery is all up to you. If you get up and walk the same day and get moving it is much faster. Take the pain medications they offer. TBH the worst part was sitting or rising from a chair. Just had to have something to hold onto for a bit. Walking or laying was no big deal. And quit justifing youself to others. If they ask what kinda delivery you are going to have just reply the one where mum and babies come home. And then don't discuss it.
I think with you history, and I saw the pic of you baby from the vaccuum, I would go for the c section. Its not just one baby but two. Plus you may be breech which is possible to deliver but I say why chance it. Schedule the c section and just have safe healthy babies. And who cares what your mum and midwife think. They are not the ones on the table. and unless they have had one of each how are they to determine if one is better than the other. They are just guessing at this point.

I have had two emergency c sections and the recovery wasn't that bad. Yes it hurt but so does an episiotomy. The recovery is all up to you. If you get up and walk the same day and get moving it is much faster. Take the pain medications they offer. TBH the worst part was sitting or rising from a chair. Just had to have something to hold onto for a bit. Walking or laying was no big deal. And quit justifing youself to others. If they ask what kinda delivery you are going to have just reply the one where mum and babies come home. And then don't discuss it.

Thanks. You are right, its my choice. I dont know why I feel so strange about it! It feels like people will look at me and say "she had the baby! Oh wait, no, she didnt 'have' the baby, it was c section". Kinda like Im wanting to have the 'cheats' way out. But I NEVER think that about any one else with a C section! It just doesnt bother me!
How you said sitting and rising from a chair was the worst, an episiotomy is just the same!! And I have had my appendix out and yea I remember dreading sneezing etc so I do kinda know what surgery on the tummy feels like but just not a C section. Thanks for that, I needed to hear that. I need to stop trying to justify it!!!! Its ridiculous and I would think anyone else with my frame of mind was just nuts and to get over it! lol :D
I agree. Have a c-section for the health of you and your babies. My c-section was because if I went into natural labor, Alex's heart couldn't be monitored because of his slow rate and the stress of labor could cause him to die. So, yeah, no one judges me about my c-section. :smug: :haha:
For me it has been mixed. Some feel I should have been able to tried harder to avoid one and others feel that I am ungrateful because I would like to VBAC. Some women I know do have a mind set that sections are not giving birth and that anyone woman who has one has taken some easy way out or that a section is not worthy of celebration. I honestly think this sort of mindset is total BS.

To me as long as a woman is happy with HER choice that is all that matters.
They think I had it "easy". Oh how little they know. :roll:
I talked c-sections through with my midwife - i was told at my discharge meeting following open surgery for a large fibroid, that I would have to have a c-section.

My midwife said that she would get the consultant to read through my notes and we could talk together about it. She asked me how I felt about it and I said tbh, given how much we have had to go through to achieve this pregnancy (IVF with DE), if I have to have a c-section I really don't care

She was great and said it might not have to be, but if it does, then it's all worth it for a healthy mum and baby (I like my midwife already!)

As to what others think - I really don't care ... if they want to think I'm 'too posh to push' then let them - I will make my decision based on what will give me the best chance of bringing home a happy baby, anything else just isn't important is it?? :hugs:
have you spoken to your midwife about the section yet? usually even in N.Z which tends to be more pro vaginal births from what I understand, a midwife would never discard the possibility of a C-section with twins, as one may be breech or you may need to deliver straight away for whatever reason, my midwife actually said if I were having twins she would have offered me the choice of section or natural birth as you can end up needing both if you choose to go into labour first.
With your history I would be pushing for a C-section and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised at your recovery :)
Yea I did tell her I wanted a C section, she was shocked and said that I had no idea how hard it would be to have major abdominal surgery and look after two kids and newborn twins. If twin A is breech then yes it is a must, but if they are both head down and in a good position then she said I would be silly not to try vaginal. Which I suppose I will do if the babies are in the right position. She said what ever choice I make she will support me but says she has seen 1st hand how hard C sections are post partem. She said at 24 weeks when my babies become viable, I will see a bunch of obstetricians at the hospital every few weeks for scans and checks, she told me to talk further to them about whats best.

If they are posterior, breech, or overly large then I will elect a C section.

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