We fed a modified version of what we ate. Not all of our meals or meal options were appropriate at that age (like a spicy curry or pancakes with maple syrup, too sugary). But from 6 months, anything is fine except added sugar or salt, honey or whole nuts (nut butter is fine if you don't have allergies in your immediate family). So we would offer what we were eating, minus anything she couldn't eat, or a similar alternative.
So toast is an easy breakfast option and you can put loads of things on it, hummus, nut butters, mashed banana, mashed avocado, served in fingers with yogurt to dip into. We also often did just fruit for breakfast - a banana cut in fist sized chunks or a plum cut in half with the pip removed. If you're already doing porridge, carry on with that or offer regular porridge or yogurt. We did BLW and our daughter couldn't hold a spoon yet at that age, but if you're spoonfeeding those are still good options. Weetabix, I used to break it in half and soften with a little milk, so it was soft but she could still pick up each half to eat it.
Lunches, I used to do a lot of cold options, like sandwich fingers or toast again, or tried various recipes I found for weaning foods, like courgette balls or carrot and quinoa balls or savoury muffins. This website is great for ideas if you want to make something specific that isn't just whatever you're eating: https://littlegrazers.com/ The spinach and feta muffins were a big hit. Plain pasta is also good. I found adding a sauce made them too slippery at first, but just plain or with a bit of butter or cheese was good. Scrambled eggs from maybe 7 months was also an option. At 6 months though, she still couldn't pick them up well enough.
Then dinner was usually some selection from what we were eating. Usually not everything we were having was appropriate, but I'd pick out a few things that were. Roasted vegetables, often in stick shape, were good, brussel sprouts cut in half, "chips" (roasted potato sticks, not like the fried frozen kind), or roast potatoes or yorkshire pudding, strips of roast chicken or pieces of fish. If we had something that wasn't a good option, like a spicy pasta or curry, I'd give her just the plain pasta or rice with a few bits of veg or something leftover from the day before or from lunch that was better.