Bronte after the author?

I love Bronte!
as in the Bronté sisters yeah, they wrote books like Jane Erye

thank you i love it as well and i think it is now my girls name choice hehe
People who think its masculine are probably prouncing it wrong. It's Bronté, like BRON-TAY if I'm correct?
this is kinda correct, from what ive seen and what others say its pronounced BRON-TEY its kinda got the tay sound at the end but you say it more like an ey sound. the tay sound on the end is more of the american pronounciation of it, its more a tey sound for the english pronouciation!
and those that do think it sounds masculine may not know the history behind the name with the Bronté sisters being really old english authors! and also it is originally a surname as the Bronté sisters were charlotte Bronté emily Bronté etc their surname was originally brunty but their father changed it to Bronté cant remember why though. but it is now used as a girls first name (i feel sorry for any male that gets called Bronté!) and its slowly growing in popularity in scotland, not widely used else where at the moment though. Certain parts of australia it is growing in popularity as well. - this site you can actually listen to the pronounciation of the name (amaerican version anyways) unfortunately i cant hear it as i have no speakers on my computer at work!
but the other two sites give a bit more info on the name, if people want to look into it lol.
BY THE WAY:- you can also spell it Brontée Brontié or Brontéy. so it can be feminised through the spelling if people think the look of the name is too masculine.
i mean the way i justify it as a feminine sounding name is the fact that my mum hates weird names and mascualine sounding names but she adores Bronté and loves it so if she likes it it must sound femimine! and also what clinched it for me was the fact that hearing someone else say it it does acutally sound feminine.
thank you everyone for your opinions though its really helped and in a way make me want it more hehe. xx