I have PCOS and I went to my GP in January 09. I was sent for blood tests, progesterone and the one you do 1-3 of AF.
My progesterone test failed (but that was because we missed my ovulation). I was then referred to gynae and it was about a 4 month wait for my appointment (April 09). In the meantime, I was sent away for another progesterone test.
At my first appointment, gynae looked at my results, which confirmed I had ovulated. I suppose becuase I was ovulating, he didn't really want to do too much and just said that I would get pregnant, but it may take some time. He did some internal swabs (STD's etc), sent me away for a rubella blood test and a scan of my ovaries. My next appointment was in August 09, but I got my BFP two weeks later.
Wanted to add,a nurse friend told me to get copies of the results of my blood tests from my GP and take them with me, as sometimes, they aren't always sent on/can't find them. I had my progesterone test the week before my appointment and didn't think it would be back in time, as the Surgery recommend 2-3 weeks for test results, but my results where back at my first appointment.
Good luck with it.